首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Nutritional Science >Children and young adults with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) havehealthier food choices particularly with respect to dietary fat sources compared withnon-FH children

Children and young adults with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) havehealthier food choices particularly with respect to dietary fat sources compared withnon-FH children




Familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) leads to elevated plasma levels of LDL-cholesterol and increased risk of premature atherosclerosis. Dietary treatment is recommended to all patients with FH in combination with lipid-lowering drug therapy. Little is known about how children with FH and their parents respond to dietary advice. The aim of the present study was to characterise the dietary habits in children with FH. A total of 112 children and young adults with FH and a non-FH group of children (n 36) were included. The children with FH had previously received dietary counselling. The FH subjects were grouped as: 12–14 years (FH (12–14)) and 18–28 years (FH (18–28)). Dietary data were collected by SmartDiet, a short self-instructing questionnaire on diet and lifestyle where the total score forms the basis for an overall assessment of the diet. Clinical and biochemical data were retrieved from medical records. The SmartDiet scores were significantly improved in the FH (12–14) subjects compared with the non-FH subjects (SmartDiet score of 31 v. 28, respectively). More FH (12–14) subjects compared with non-FH children consumed low-fat milk (64 v. 18 %, respectively), low-fat cheese (29 v. 3%, respectively), used margarine with highly unsaturated fat (74 v. 14 %, respectively). In all, 68 % of the FH (12–14) subjects and 55 % of the non-FH children had fish for dinner twice or moreper week. The FH (18–28) subjects showed the same pattern in dietary choices as the FH(12–14) children. In contrast to the choices of low-fat dietary items, 50 % of the FH(12–14) subjects consumed sweet spreads or sweet drinks twice or more per week comparedwith only 21 % in the non-FH group. In conclusion, ordinary out-patient dietarycounselling of children with FH seems to have a long-lasting effect, as the diet ofchildren and young adults with FH consisted of more products that are favourable withregard to the fatty acid composition of the diet.
机译:家族性高胆固醇血症(FH)导致血浆LDL-胆固醇水平升高和过早动脉粥样硬化的风险增加。建议所有FH患者结合降脂药物治疗进行饮食治疗。关于患有FH的儿童及其父母对饮食建议的反应知之甚少。本研究的目的是表征FH儿童的饮食习惯。总共包括112名患有FH的儿童和年轻成人以及非FH儿童组(n 36)。患有FH的儿童先前曾接受饮食咨询。 FH受试者分为:12-14岁(FH(12-14))和18-28岁(FH(18-28))。饮食数据由SmartDiet收集,SmartDiet是有关饮食和生活方式的简短自我指导调查表,总分构成了对饮食进行总体评估的基础。从医疗记录中检索临床和生化数据。与非FH受试者相比,FH(12-14)受试者的SmartDiet得分显着提高(SmartDiet得分分别为31 v。28)。与非FH儿童相比,更多的FH(12-14)受试者食用低脂牛奶(分别占64%对18%),低脂奶酪(分别占29%对3%),使用人造黄油和高度不饱和脂肪( 74诉14%)。总共有68%的FH(12-14岁)受试者和55%的非FH儿童在晚餐时吃鱼两次或更多次每个星期。 FH(18–28)受试者的饮食选择与FH相同(12-14岁)儿童。与低脂饮食选择相比,FH的50%(12-14岁)的受试者每周食用两次或两次以上的甜酱或甜饮料在非FH组中只有21%。总之,普通的门诊饮食对FH儿童的咨询似乎具有长期的作用,因为患有FH的儿童和年轻人包含更多对关于饮食中的脂肪酸组成。



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