首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Parasitic Diseases: Official Organ of the Indian Society for Parasitology >The rapid detection method by polymerase chain reaction for minute intestinal trematodes: Haplorchis taichui in intermediate snail hosts based on 18s ribosomal DNA

The rapid detection method by polymerase chain reaction for minute intestinal trematodes: Haplorchis taichui in intermediate snail hosts based on 18s ribosomal DNA




The minute intestinal trematode, Haplorchis taichui, is an important parasite species that can infect humans and other mammals. This study investigated the outbreak of H. taichui in thiarid snails in the lower part of the Chao Phraya Basin, Thailand by employing morphological and molecular-based methods. In development of a specific primer of H. taichui, the PCR reaction was conducted with no cross-reaction to their hosts and other related trematode species. The highest level of sensitivity that could be amplified was 0.50 ng/μl and this was detected with only one egg in the sample. In terms of the epidemic results, the parapleurolophocercous cercaria infected only two species of thiarid snails (Melanoides tuberculata and Tarebia granifera) with an overall prevalence of 3.80% (23/605). The process of molecular identification revealed positive results indicating that eleven from twenty-three of parapleurolophocercous cercariae specimens in the lower part of the Chao Phraya Basin were H. taichui. In conclusion, this study has developed a rapid detection method, which can discriminate H. taichui from other parapleurolophocercous cercaria in intermediate snail hosts with a high level of sensitivity. Moreover, the high proportion of H. taichui in parapleurolophocercous cercaria (47.83%) indicated that H. taichui was the dominant species of this cercarial type and could infect cyprinoid fish in the lower part of the Chao Phraya Basin leading to public health problems in this area. Thus, a specific primer could be useful in the detection and surveillance of H. taichui outbreaks in their hosts. Recognition of this has resulted in the creation of important prevention programs in these infected areas in the further study.
机译:微小的肠道吸虫Haplorchis taichui是一种重要的寄生虫,可以感染人类和其他哺乳动物。本研究通过形态学和分子生物学方法研究了泰国湄南河盆地下部的噻虫蜗牛中的太极杆菌的爆发。在开发H.taichui特异引物的过程中,PCR反应没有与其宿主和其他相关吸虫物种的交叉反应。可以放大的最高灵敏度为0.50 ng /μl,样品中只有一个鸡蛋可以检测到。就流行病的结果而言,副胸膜肺尾尾癌仅感染了两种种类的噻虫蜗牛(Melanoides tuberculata和Tarebia granifera),总患病率为3.80%(23/605)。分子鉴定过程显示出阳性结果,表明在湄南河盆地下部的二十三个副胸膜肺尾标本中有十一个是太翠竹。综上所述,本研究开发了一种快速检测方法,该方法可以以较高的灵敏度区分中等水平的蜗牛宿主中的太水杆菌与其他胸膜肺尾。此外,太极杆菌在副胸膜肺尾尾尾para中的比例很高(47.83%),表明太极杆菌是该子宫颈类型的优势种,并可能感染湄南河盆地下部的鲤鱼,从而导致公共卫生问题。区域。因此,特异的引物可用于检测和监测其宿主中的太极拳爆发。认识到这一点已导致在进一步研究中在这些感染地区建立了重要的预防计划。



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