首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Behavioural Neurology >Naming of Grammatical Classes in Frontotemporal Dementias: Linguistic and Non Linguistic Factors Contribute to Noun-Verb Dissociation

Naming of Grammatical Classes in Frontotemporal Dementias: Linguistic and Non Linguistic Factors Contribute to Noun-Verb Dissociation




We studied noun and verb naming in three main variants of frontotemporal dementia: the frontal variant(Fv-FTD), primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and semantic dementia (SD). We further distinguished PPA in nonfluent and fluent forms and restricted diagnosis of SD to subjects with progressive semantic breakdown leading to agnosia for words and objects. Fv-FTD and nonfluent-PPA named objects better than actions, SD showed an inverse dissociation and no specific pattern emerged in fluent-PPA. In this last group, in spite of the broad definition of fluent aphasia, quite heterogeneous patterns of language disorders and word class dissociation emerged when single-subject analyses were performed. In fv-FTD correlations between executive tasks and action naming were stronger than between executive tasks and object naming. We conclude that both linguistic and non linguistic factors, in particular an executive deficit, contribute to grammatical class dissociation. We also suggest that the fluent vs. nonfluent distinction does not reflect the complexity of primary aphasia.
机译:我们研究了额颞痴呆的三个主要变体中的名词和动词命名:额叶变体(Fv-FTD),原发进行性失语症(PPA)和语义性痴呆(SD)。我们进一步区分了非流利和流利形式的PPA,并将SD的诊断仅限于具有进行性语义分解的对象,从而导致单词和对象的失认。 Fv-FTD和非流畅的PPA命名对象比动作更好,SD显示出反向解离,流畅的PPA中没有出现特定的模式。在最后一组中,尽管对流利性失语症有广泛的定义,但是当进行单对象分析时,语言障碍和单词类别分离的模式却很不统一。在fv-FTD中,执行任务和动作命名之间的关联要强于执行任务和对象命名之间的关联。我们得出结论,无论是语言因素还是非语言因素,特别是执行缺陷,都会导致语法阶级分离。我们还建议,流利与非流利的区别并不反映原发性失语症的复杂性。



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