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Influence of ethanol on the metabolism of perfused normal fatty and cirrhotic rat livers




1. The influence of ethanol on the metabolism of perfused livers from normal rats and rats in various stages of development of dietary cirrhosis was studied. A choline-deficient, low-protein and high-fat diet was used. Results were obtained on oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, on glucose release and uptake by the liver and on changes in the concentrations of lactate and pyruvate and of β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate in the perfusion medium. 2. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were lower in fatty and cirrhotic livers than in normal livers. Ethanol had no effect on the oxygen consumption of any of the various livers. After addition of ethanol to the perfusion medium carbon dioxide production ceased almost completely in normal livers. Only a slight decrease in the carbon dioxide production occurred in fatty and cirrhotic livers. 3. With every type of liver glucose was released from the liver into the perfusion medium during the initial control period. This release continued after the addition of ethanol to the perfusion medium in experiments with normal and fatty livers, whereas with cirrhotic livers a marked uptake of glucose from the medium was found. A simultaneous release of the glycolytic end products lactate and pyruvate into the medium occurred. 4. The production of ketone bodies was equal in normal and early fatty livers (6 weeks on the fat diet). It was smaller in late fatty livers (3–4 months on the fatty diet) and in cirrhotic livers. 5. The lactate/pyruvate concentration ratio in the perfusion medium increased from 11 to 67 with normal livers, from 12 to 16 with early fatty livers, from 13 to 26 with late fatty livers and from 21 to 55 with cirrhotic livers when the livers were perfused with a medium containing ethanol. The β-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate concentration ratio increased from 1·2 to 8·4 in normal livers, from 2·0 to 2·8 in early fatty livers, from 1·2 to 2·4 in late fatty livers and from 2·1 to 4·0 in cirrhotic livers when ethanol was added to the medium. 6. The effects of ethanol on liver metabolism during the development of dietary cirrhosis are discussed and related to human fatty liver and cirrhosis during chronic ethanol consumption.
机译:1.研究了乙醇对正常大鼠和饮食性肝硬化发展不同阶段大鼠肝脏灌注代谢的影响。使用了胆碱缺乏,低蛋白和高脂肪的饮食。获得了氧气消耗和二氧化碳产生,肝脏释放和摄取葡萄糖以及灌注培养基中乳酸和丙酮酸以及β-羟基丁酸酯和乙酰乙酸的浓度变化的结果。 2.脂肪肝和肝硬化肝的耗氧量和二氧化碳生成量低于正常肝。乙醇对各种肝脏的氧气消耗没有影响。向灌注培养基中添加乙醇后,正常肝脏中二氧化碳的生产几乎完全停止。脂肪肝和肝硬化肝中二氧化碳的产生仅略有减少。 3.对于每种类型的肝,在初始控制期间,葡萄糖都会从肝脏释放到灌注介质中。在正常和脂肪肝的实验中,向灌注培养基中添加乙醇后,这种释放继续进行,而对于肝硬化肝,发现从培养基中摄取了明显的葡萄糖。糖酵解终产物乳酸和丙酮酸同时释放到培养基中。 4.在正常脂肪肝和早期脂肪肝中(脂肪饮食为6周),酮体的产量相同。在晚期脂肪肝(在脂肪饮食中3-4个月)和肝硬化肝中,它较小。 5.正常肝时,灌注培养基中的乳酸/丙酮酸盐浓度比从11增至67,早期脂肪肝从12增至16,晚期脂肪肝从13增至26,肝硬化肝从21增至55。灌注含有乙醇的培养基。正常肝脏中,β-羟基丁酸酯/乙酰乙酸酯的浓度比从1·2增加到8·4,早期脂肪肝从2·0增加到2·8,晚期脂肪肝从1·2增加到2·4,从2·当在培养基中添加乙醇时,在肝硬化肝中为1至4·0。 6.讨论了乙醇对饮食性肝硬化发展过程中肝脏代谢的影响,并与长期食用乙醇期间的人脂肪肝和肝硬化有关。



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