首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Bioengineering >Administration of Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Platelet Lysate in Erectile Dysfunction: A Single Center Pilot Study

Administration of Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Platelet Lysate in Erectile Dysfunction: A Single Center Pilot Study




Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects more than 30 million men; endothelial dysfunction plays a significant role in EDs pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to administer mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from adipose tissue and platelet lysate (PL) into patients with erectile dysfunction. This pilot study enrolled eight patients with diagnosed ED. Patients enrolled were suffering from organic ED due to diabetes melitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, and Peyronie disease. The patients were distributed in 2 groups. Patients in group A received adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSC) resuspended in PL while patients in group B received only PL. ADMSCs were isolated from patients’ adipose tissue and expanded. In addition, blood sampling was obtained from the patients in order to isolate platelet lysate. After the application of the above treatments, patients were evaluated with an International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) questionnaire, penile triplex, and reported morning erections. After MSCs and PL administration, patients presented improved erectile function after 1 and 3 months of follow-up. A statistically significant difference was observed in the IIEF-5 score before and after administration of both treatments after the first month (p < 0.05) and the third month (p < 0.05). No statistically significant difference was observed in the IIEF-5 score between group A and B patients. All patients were characterized by improved penile triplex and increased morning erections. No severe adverse reactions were observed in any patient except a minor pain at the site of injection, which was in the limits of tolerability. The results of this study indicated the satisfactory use of MSCs and PL in ED. MSCs in combination with PL or PL alone seems to be very promising, especially without having the negative effects of the current therapeutic treatment.
机译:勃起功能障碍(ED)影响超过3000万男性;内皮功能障碍在EDs发病机理中起重要作用。这项研究的目的是向患有勃起功能障碍的患者使用源自脂肪组织的间充质干细胞(MSC)和血小板溶解产物(PL)。该初步研究招募了八名诊断为ED的患者。入组的患者由于糖尿病,高血压,高胆固醇血症和佩罗尼氏病而患有器质性ED。患者分为两组。 A组患者接受了脂肪来源的间充质干细胞(ADMSC)重悬于PL,而B组患者仅接受了PL。 ADMSCs是从患者的脂肪组织中分离出来并扩增的。另外,从患者获得血液样本以分离血小板裂解物。应用上述治疗后,用国际勃起功能指数(IIEF-5)问卷,阴茎三联症和晨起勃起对患者进行评估。 MSC和PL给药后,患者在随访1个月和3个月后出现勃起功能改善。在第一个月(p <0.05)和第三个月(p <0.05)之后,两种治疗方案的治疗前后,IIEF-5评分均存在统计学差异。 A组和B组患者的IIEF-5评分均无统计学差异。所有患者的特征是阴茎三重性改善和早晨勃起增加。除了在耐受性范围内的注射部位的轻微疼痛外,在任何患者中均未观察到严重的不良反应。这项研究的结果表明,MSCs和PL在ED中的使用令人满意。 MSC与PL或单独使用PL的组合似乎非常有前景,特别是在没有当前治疗方法的负面影响的情况下。



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