首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Physical Therapy Science >A Comparison of Gait Characteristics in the Elderly People People with KneePain and People Who Are Walker Dependent People

A Comparison of Gait Characteristics in the Elderly People People with KneePain and People Who Are Walker Dependent People




[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to compare the gait parameters of age-matched people with a normal gait (≥ 65 years), age-matched people with knee pain, and age-matched people with walker dependent gait at a self-selected gait speed. [Methods] Subjects walked on even ground in bare feet and were allowed a natural arm swing on a 6-m walkway. Walker-dependent participants walked on a walkway without a walker. [Results] The kinematic and spatiotemporal gait characteristics were used to investigate the difference among the each group. Hip flexion, knee flexion, and stride width parameters were not different. The gait speed, stride length and time, hip and knee extension, and ankle flexion and extension parameters were significantly different. [Conclusion] A comparision of kinematic and spatiotemporal gait characteristics during gait may provide an insight into the gait pattern of normal elderly people, those with knee pain, and the walker-dependent elderly.
机译:[目的]本研究的目的是比较具有正常步态(≥65岁)的年龄匹配者,具有膝盖疼痛的年龄匹配者和具有步行者依赖性步态的年龄匹配者的步态参数。选择的步态速度。 [方法]受试者赤脚在平坦的地面上行走,并允许其在6米长的人行道上自然摆动。依赖步行者的参与者在没有步行者的情况下走在人行道上。 [结果]采用运动学和时空步态特征调查各组之间的差异。髋关节屈曲,膝盖屈曲和步幅宽度参数没有不同。步态速度,步幅和时间,臀部和膝盖的伸展以及踝关节的屈伸参数都存在显着差异。 [结论]步态运动学和时空步态特征的比较可能有助于深入了解正常老年人,膝关节疼痛和步行者依赖性老年人的步态。



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