首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BMC Medical Ethics >Translational ethics: an analytical framework of translational movements between theory and practice and a sketch of a comprehensive approach

Translational ethics: an analytical framework of translational movements between theory and practice and a sketch of a comprehensive approach




BackgroundTranslational research in medicine requires researchers to identify the steps to transfer basic scientific discoveries from laboratory benches to bedside decision-making, and eventually into clinical practice. On a parallel track, philosophical work in ethics has not been obliged to identify the steps to translate theoretical conclusions into adequate practice. The medical ethicist A. Cribb suggested some years ago that it is now time to debate ‘the business of translational’ in medical ethics. Despite the very interesting and useful perspective on the field of medical ethics launched by Cribb, the debate is still missing. In this paper, I take up Cribb’s invitation and discuss further analytic distinctions needed to base an ethics aiming to translate between theory and practice.
机译:背景医学的转化研究要求研究人员确定将基础科学发现从实验室工作台转移到床边决策,并最终转移到临床实践的步骤。在并行的轨道上,伦理哲学的工作没有义务确定将理论结论转化为适当实践的步骤。医学伦理学家A. Cribb几年前建议,现在是时候讨论医学伦理学中“翻译的业务”了。尽管克里布(Cribb)在医学伦理学领域提出了非常有趣和有用的观点,但辩论仍在进行中。在本文中,我接受了克里布(Cribb)的邀请,并讨论了建立旨在在理论与实践之间转换的伦理学所需要的进一步的分析区别。



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