首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences >Monkeys crying wolf? Tufted capuchin monkeys use anti-predator calls to usurp resources from conspecifics

Monkeys crying wolf? Tufted capuchin monkeys use anti-predator calls to usurp resources from conspecifics




The use of ‘tactical deception’ is argued to have been important in the cognitive evolution of the order Primates, but systematic studies of active deception in wild non-human primates are scant. This study tests whether wild tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus) use alarm calls in a functionally deceptive manner to usurp food resources. If capuchins use alarm calls ‘deceptively’, it was predicted that false alarms should be: (i) given by subordinates more than by dominants, (ii) more frequent when food is most contestable, (iii) more frequent when less food is available, and (iv) given when the caller is in a spatial position in which it could increase its feeding success if conspecifics react to the call. These predictions were tested by observing subjects in experimental contexts, in which the amount and distribution of a high-value resource (banana pieces) were manipulated using wooden platforms suspended from tree branches. While false alarms were non-significantly more common when more food was available, the three remaining predictions were supported. These results generally support the hypothesis that alarm calls are used by capuchins to reduce the effects of feeding competition. Whether this is intentional on the part of the caller requires further investigation.
机译:据认为,“战术欺骗”的使用在灵长类动物的认知进化中很重要,但是对野生非人类灵长类动物的主动欺骗的系统研究很少。这项研究测试了簇绒的卷尾猴(Cebus apella nigritus)是否以功能上具有欺骗性的方式使用警报来篡夺食物资源。如果卷尾猴使用“欺骗性”警报方式,则应预测虚假警报应该是:(i)下属发出的警报要多于主导者发出的警报;(ii)最容易争夺食物的频率更高;(iii)缺乏食物的频率更高,以及(iv)当呼叫者处于某个空间位置时,如果特定对象对呼叫做出反应,则可以增加进食成功率。通过在实验环境中观察对象来检验这些预测,其中使用悬挂在树枝上的木制平台操纵高价值资源(香蕉片)的数量和分布。当有更多食物可用时,虚假警报的发生率不明显,但仍支持剩余的三个预测。这些结果通常支持以下假设:卷尾猴使用警报来减少进食竞争的影响。呼叫者是否故意这样做需要进一步调查。



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