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Cardiovascular regulation in the period preceding vasovagal syncope in conscious humans




To study cardiovascular control in the period leading to vasovagal syncope we monitored beat-to-beat blood pressure, heart rate (HR) and forearm blood flow in 14 patients with posturally related syncope, from supine through to tilt-induced pre-syncope. Signals of arterial blood pressure (BP) from a Finapres photoplethysmograph and an electrocardiograph (ECG) were fed into a NeuroScope system for continuous analysis. Non-invasive indices of cardiac vagal tone (CVT) and cardiac sensitivity to baroreflex (CSB) were derived on a beat-to-beat basis from these data. Brachial vascular resistance (VR) was assessed intermittently from brachial blood flow velocity (Doppler ultrasound) divided by mean arterial pressure (MAP). Patients underwent a progressive orthostatic stress test, which continued to pre-syncope and consisted of 20 min head-up tilt (HUT) at 60 deg, 10 min combined HUT and lower body suction (LBNP) at −20 mmHg followed by LBNP at −40 mmHg. Pre-syncope was defined as a fall in BP to below 80 mmHg systolic accompanied by symptoms. Baseline supine values were: MAP (means ± s.e.m.) 84.9 ± 3.2 mmHg; HR, 63.9 ± 3.2 beats min−1; CVT, 10.8 ± 2.6 (arbitrary units) and CSB, 8.2 ± 1.6 ms mmHg−1. HUT alone provoked pre-syncope in 30 % of the patients whilst the remaining 70 % required LBNP. The cardiovascular responses leading to pre-syncope can be described in four phases. Phase 1, full compensation: where VR increased by 70.9 ± 0.9 %, MAP was 89.2 ± 3.8 mmHg and HR was 74.8 ± 3.2 beats min−1 but CVT decreased to 3.5 ± 0.5 units and CSB to 2.7 ± 0.4 ms mmHg−1. Phase 2, tachycardia: a progressive increase in heart rate peaking at 104.2 ± 5.1 beats min−1. Phase 3, instability: characterised by oscillations in BP and also often in HR; CVT and CSB also decreased to their lowest levels. Phase 4, pre-syncope: characterised by sudden decreases in arterial blood pressure and heart rate associated with intensification of the symptoms of pre-syncope. This study has given a clearer picture of the cardiovascular events leading up to pre-syncope. However, the mechanisms behind what causes a fully compensated system suddenly to become unstable remain unknown.
机译:为了研究导致血管迷走性晕厥的时期的心血管控制情况,我们监测了14例具有姿势相关性晕厥的患者(从仰卧位到倾斜诱发的晕厥前)的逐跳血压,心率(HR)和前臂血流量。来自Finapres光电容积描记器和心电图仪(ECG)的动脉血压(BP)信号被馈入NeuroScope系统进行连续分析。从这些数据中逐搏得出心脏迷走神经张力(CVT)和心脏对压力反射(CSB)的非侵入性指数。用肱动脉血流速度(多普勒超声)除以平均动脉压(MAP)来间歇性评估肱血管阻力(VR)。患者进行了渐进式体位压力测试,该测试持续至晕厥前,包括在60度时20分钟抬头向上倾斜(HUT),在-20 mmHg下结合10分钟HUT和下体吸力(LBNP),然后在-下进行LBNP 40毫米汞柱。晕厥前被定义为收缩压下降至80 mmHg以下并伴有症状。基线仰卧值为:MAP(平均值±s.e.m.)84.9±3.2 mmHg; HR,63.9±3.2节拍min -1 ; CVT,10.8±2.6(任意单位)和CSB,8.2±1.6 ms mmHg -1 。仅HUT在30%的患者中引起晕厥前,其余70%的患者需要LBNP。导致晕厥前的心血管反应可以分为四个阶段。第1阶段,完全补偿:VR增加70.9±0.9%,MAP为89.2±3.8 mmHg,HR为74.8±3.2节拍min -1 ,但CVT降至3.5±0.5单位,CSB降至2.7 ±0.4毫秒mmHg -1 。第2阶段心动过速:心率逐渐增加,峰值为104.2±5.1节拍min -1 。第三阶段,不稳定:以BP和HR的波动为特征; CVT和CSB也降至最低水平。晕厥前的第4阶段:特征在于与晕厥前症状加剧有关的动脉血压和心率突然下降。这项研究对导致晕厥前的心血管事件有了更清晰的了解。但是,导致完全补偿系统突然变得不稳定的背后机制仍然未知。



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