首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The British Journal of Ophthalmology >Advanced cicatricial retinopathy of prematurity--outcome and complications.

Advanced cicatricial retinopathy of prematurity--outcome and complications.




AIMS: To assess the outcome and complications of patients with advanced retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). METHODS: All patients with eyes achieving stage 4 or 5 retinopathy of prematurity were reviewed. Twenty one eyes were diagnosed during ROP screening in maternity hospitals and 10 eyes were of infants transferred for treatment. RESULTS: Thirty one eyes of 17 patients were included. Thirteen eyes were treated for acute disease but progressed to stage 4 or 5; seven had cryotherapy and six diode laser photocoagulation. Cataract was found in 17 eyes (54.8%), glaucoma in seven eyes (22.6%), microphthalmos in 15 (48.4%), and corneal opacification in four eyes (12.9%). Fifteen eyes had surgical procedures; two (6.5%) had trabeculectomy, four (12.9%) had lensectomy, and nine (29%) retinal detachment repair. Transferred infants had their initial eye examination later than infants in hospitals screened by the authors and 80% of them had progressed beyond threshold ROP by the time they were transferred for treatment. Twenty nine eyes (93.6%) had visual acuities of 3/60 or less and only two eyes (6.5%) achieved 6/18 or less. CONCLUSION: The visual outcome of the eyes undergoing retinal re-attachment surgery was disappointing. Cataract, microphthalmos, and glaucoma were the most frequent complications, and surgical intervention was often required. The need for children who are blind as a result of ROP to have long term follow up is shown.
机译:目的:评估晚期早产儿视网膜病变(ROP)患者的结局和并发症。方法:回顾了所有眼睛达到4或5期早产儿视网膜病变的患者。在妇产医院进行ROP筛查时,诊断出21眼,其中10眼为转移治疗的婴儿。结果:纳入17例患者的31只眼。治疗了13眼急性疾病,但进展至4或5期。七名接受了冷冻疗法,六名接受了二极管激光光凝。白内障发现17眼(54.8%),青光眼7眼(22.6%),小眼球15眼(48.4%),角膜混浊4眼(12.9%)。 15只眼睛接受了外科手术。 2例(6.5%)进行了小梁切除术,4例(12.9%)进行了晶状体摘除术,9例(29%)进行了视网膜脱离修复。转移的婴儿进行初次眼部检查的时间要晚于作者筛选的医院中的婴儿,并且其中80%的儿童在转移接受治疗时已超过ROP阈值。 29眼(93.6%)的视力不超过3/60,只有2眼(6.5%)的视力不超过6/18。结论:进行视网膜重新附着手术的眼睛的视觉效果令人失望。白内障,小眼症和青光眼是最常见的并发症,并且经常需要手术干预。结果表明,需要对因ROP而致盲的儿童进行长期随访。



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