
Mental health and group tensions




The author points out that, with the development of technology in industry and the resultant more-technical roles demanded of workers, communication between them and between all persons in an industrial organization becomes of primary importance. This is particularly so because of the constant demands for change within an industrial organization. Any change, however minor, will inevitably involve a wide area of the organization, and special attention will therefore have to be paid to communication between persons.The author goes on to describe some of the investigations which have been made by the Institute of Preventive Medicine, Leyden, and indicates the extreme difficulty of obtaining accurate information. He shows also how the different attitudes of persons within a factory can lead to completely different perceptions of the field and of the attitudes of others within the same organization. He concludes that the main task of the mental health workers in industry lies in the prevention of tensions within it.One of the means of preventing tensions is to aim at a concept of “productive collaboration” within a factory. This task is seen as a special kind of therapy which must concern all levels of the factory. The author describes a procedure of investigation—diagnostic and therapeutic—within a factory, commencing with a phase of introduction, a pilot study, extensive individual interviewing, group interviewing, and a more specifically therapeutic phase, in which groups or specific individuals are enabled to talk their problems out. Finally, the investigating team must take steps to prevent situations of tension recurring, and, before leaving, must be certain that the plant is capable of maintaining a healthy equilibrium by itself.
机译:作者指出,随着工业技术的发展以及由此产生的对工人更多技术角色的要求,工人之间以及产业组织中所有人之间的沟通变得至关重要。由于工业组织内对变革的不断需求,尤其如此。任何变化,无论是微小的变化,都将不可避免地涉及组织的广泛领域,因此,必须特别注意人与人之间的交流。作者继续描述了预防医学研究所所做的一些调查。 ,并指出获取准确信息的极端困难。他还展示了工厂内人员的不同态度如何导致对现场以及同一组织内其他人员的态度的完全不同的看法。他得出结论,精神卫生工作者在工业中的主要任务在于防止其内部的紧张关系。防止紧张关系的一种方法是针对工厂内部的“生产合作”概念。这项任务被视为一种特殊的疗法,必须涉及工厂的各个层面。作者介绍了在工厂内进行调查和诊断的过程,包括引入阶段,试点研究,广泛的个人访谈,小组访谈以及更具体的治疗阶段,在这个阶段中,小组或特定个人可以说出他们的问题。最后,研究小组必须采取措施防止紧张局势再次发生,并且在离开之前,必须确定植物能够自行维持健康的平衡。



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