
Sickness absenteeism




In this paper, sickness statistics are discussed, with special reference to the differences between medical statistics and those of the sickness benefit organizations. Special attention is paid to the comparability of data from different sources.The distribution of sickness absence among workers appears to be approximately similar to that of a chance event (Poisson distribution). This conclusion applies to pre-war years as well as to the post-war period. Although in the latter period the annual average of sickness absences per worker is much greater, there are no indications that the increase in the frequency rate has to be attributed to specified groups of workers; all workers are equally responsible.The high disability rate cannot be accounted for today by causes such as malnutrition, so the phenomenon must be due to a lowering of the standards by which incapacity for work is judged. Since it is the family physician who sets these standards for the worker, it follows that it is he who is largely responsible for the increased rate of sickness absenteeism. The fact that social insurance has concealed the economic consequences of disabling illnesses from the doctor as well as from the patient is one of the reasons why physicians have tended to relax their disability standards.Family physicians practising under favourable and almost identical conditions within the framework of an industrial health centre may, nevertheless, show considerable differences in attitude. When disability rates were computed separately for the practices of nine general practitioners in the full-time employment of the Medical Department of Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven, Netherlands, the results showed that there was no common opinion among the doctors with regard to standards of disability. A closer examination of the available data allows the conclusion to be drawn that it is in the power of medicine to reduce sickness absenteeism substantially without damaging the worker's health.Finally, some proposals are made for promoting research on sickness absenteeism and on the diagnosis of disability.
机译:本文讨论疾病统计数据,并特别参考医学统计数据与疾病福利组织之间的差异。要特别注意来自不同来源的数据的可比性。工人中疾病缺席的分布似乎与偶然事件的分布相似(泊松分布)。该结论适用于战前以及战后时期。尽管在后一时期,每名工人每年缺勤的年平均水平要高得多,但没有迹象表明频率上升的原因必须归咎于特定的工人群体。所有工人都应同等负责。今天无法通过营养不良等原因来解决高残障率问题,因此,这种现象一定是由于降低了对丧失工作能力的判断标准。由于是由家庭医生为工人设定这些标准,因此,是由他自己来负责增加疾病缺勤率的原因。社会保险掩盖了使医生和患者失去疾病的经济后果的事实,这是医生倾向于放松其残疾标准的原因之一。家庭医生在以下条件下在有利且几乎相同的条件下执业:但是,工业保健中心可能会表现出很大的态度差异。当分别计算飞利浦荷兰埃因霍温市Gloeilampenfabrieken医疗部门全职工作的九名全科医生的残障率时,结果表明,在残障标准方面,医生之间没有共识。通过仔细研究现有数据,可以得出结论,在不损害工人健康的前提下,可以有效地减少疾病缺勤的医学力量。最后,提出了一些建议,以促进有关疾病缺勤和残疾诊断的研究。 。



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