首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Physiology >Evidence against a physiological role of prostaglandins in the regulation of noradrenaline release in the cat spleen.

Evidence against a physiological role of prostaglandins in the regulation of noradrenaline release in the cat spleen.




1. The effects of prostaglandins E2 (PGE2) and indomethacin on responses and on noradrenaline overflow elicited by nerve stimulation were studied in the perfused cat's spleen, at different calcium concentrations in the perfusion medium: 0-26, 0-65 and 2-6 mve stimulation and in the overflow of the transmitter. PGE2 was more effective in reducing transmitter overflow at 5 than at 30 Hz. 3. Indomethacin, 14-0 muM, prevented the release of PGE-like material in the venous effluent of the spleen elicited by either nerve stimulation or by exogenous noradrenaline. 4. During exposure to 14-0 muM indomethacin there was no increase in responses to nerve stimulation or in the overflow of noradrenaline elicited by nerve stimulation at 5 or at 30 Hz. 5. Similar results to those obtained with exogenous PGE2 and with indomethacin in the presence of 2-6 mM calcium, were observed when the experiments were carried out in the presence of either 0-65 or 0-26 mM calcium. 6. In the presence of the alpha-adrenoceptor blocking agents, phenoxybenzamine (2-9 muM) or phentolamine (3-1 muM), the increase in transmitter overflow obtained during stimulation was 6-5 and 8-3-fold respectively. 7. Since inhibition of the synthesis of PGE did not increase transmitter overflow during nerve stimulation, it appears that the proposed negative feed-back mechanism mediated by endogenous prostaglandins does not play an important physiological role in the regulation of adrenergic neurotransmission in the cat spleen. In this tissue the major endogenous negative feed-back regulatory mechanism is triggered by the neurotransmitter through the activation of prejunctional alpha-adrenoceptors.
机译:1.在灌注的猫的脾脏中,研究了前列腺素E2(PGE2)和消炎痛对神经刺激引起的反应和去甲肾上腺素溢流的影响,在不同的钙浓度下(0-26、0-65和2-6)刺激和变送器溢出。 PGE2在减少5 Hz时的发射机溢出方面比30 Hz时更有效。 3. 14-0μM吲哚美辛可防止神经刺激或外源性去甲肾上腺素引起的脾静脉血中PGE样物质的释放。 4.在暴露于14-0μM吲哚美辛期间,对神经刺激的反应或在5 Hz或30 Hz时神经刺激引起的去甲肾上腺素溢流均未增加。 5.当在0-65或0-26 mM的钙存在下进行实验时,观察到的结果与在2-6 mM的钙存在下用外源PGE2和消炎痛获得的结果相似。 6.在存在α-肾上腺素受体阻断剂苯氧基苯甲胺(2-9μM)或苯妥拉明(3-1μM)的情况下,刺激期间获得的递质溢出的增加分别为6-5倍和8-3-倍。 7.由于抑制PGE的合成并不会增加神经刺激过程中的递质溢出,因此看来,由内源性前列腺素介导的拟议的负反馈机制在调节猫脾肾上腺素能神经传递中没有重要的生理作用。在这种组织中,主要的内源性负反馈调节机制是由神经递质通过结前α-肾上腺素受体的激活而触发的。



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