首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>ZooKeys >A new genus and three new species of noctuid moths from western United States of America and Mexico (Lepidoptera Noctuidae Noctuinae Eriopygini)

A new genus and three new species of noctuid moths from western United States of America and Mexico (Lepidoptera Noctuidae Noctuinae Eriopygini)




The genus Rhabdorthodes>gen. n. is described for three previously unnamed noctuid moths from the mountains of south-western United States and Mexico. It is assigned to subfamily Noctuinae, tribe Eriopygini. Rhabdorthodespattersoni>sp. n. from the United States and Rhabdorthodesdurango>sp. n. and Rhabdorthodespetersoni>sp. n. from Mexico are described. These moths are small, dull gray brown, and lack highly diagnostic wing markings, but are distinctive structurally. The adults and genitalia of both sexes are illustrated and distribution maps are presented. Two species eponyms honor persons who have facilitated the study and enjoyment of moths in North America by creating moth-specific websites.
机译:Rhabdorthodes属> gen。 n。描述了来自美国西南部和墨西哥山区的三种先前未命名的夜蛾。它被分配给子部落夜莺亚科(Eriopygini)。 Rhabdorthodespattersoni > sp。 来自美国和Rhabdorthodesdurango > sp。 n。 Rhabdorthodes petersoni > sp。描述了来自墨西哥的n。。这些飞蛾很小,暗淡的灰棕色,缺乏高度诊断性的翅膀标记,但结构上很独特。图示了成年男女的生殖器和生殖器分布图。两种名字的别名是通过创建专门针对飞蛾的网站来促进北美飞蛾研究和享受的人们。



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