
MicroRNA in rectal cancer




In rectal cancer, one of the most common cancers worldwide, the proper staging of the disease determines the subsequent therapy. For those with locally advanced rectal cancer, a neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is recommended before any surgery. However, response to CRT ranges from complete response (responders) to complete resistance (non-responders). To date we are not able to separate in advance the first group from the second, due to the absence of a valid biomarker. Therefore all patients receive the same therapy regardless of whether they reap benefits. On the other hand almost all patients receive a surgical resection after the CRT, although a watch-and-wait procedure or an endoscopic resection might be sufficient for those who responded well to the CRT. Being highly conserved regulators of gene expression, microRNAs (miRNAs) seem to be promising candidates for biomarkers. Many studies have been analyzing the miRNAs expressed in rectal cancer tissue to determine a specific miRNA profile for the ailment. Unfortunately, there is only a small overlap of identified miRNAs between different studies, posing the question as to whether different methods or differences in tissue storage may contribute to that fact or if the results simply are not reproducible, due to unknown factors with undetected influences on miRNA expression. Other studies sought to find miRNAs which correlate to clinical parameters (tumor grade, nodal stage, metastasis, survival) and therapy response. Although several miRNAs seem to have an impact on the response to CRT or might predict nodal stage, there is still only little overlap between different studies. We here aimed to summarize the current literature on rectal cancer and miRNA expression with respect to the different relevant clinical parameters.
机译:在全世界最常见的癌症之一的直肠癌中,疾病的正确分期决定了后续的治疗方法。对于局部晚期直肠癌的患者,建议在任何手术前进行新辅助放化疗。但是,对CRT的响应范围从完全响应(响应者)到完全电阻(非响应者)。迄今为止,由于缺少有效的生物标记,我们无法将第一组与第二组提前分开。因此,所有患者都将接受相同的治疗,无论他们是否获益。另一方面,尽管对CRT反应良好的患者进行观察和等待或内窥镜切除可能足以对所有患者进行CRT手术切除。作为基因表达的高度保守的调节剂,微小RNA(miRNA)似乎是有前途的生物标志物候选物。许多研究已经分析了直肠癌组织中表达的miRNA,以确定该疾病的特定miRNA谱。不幸的是,不同研究之间鉴定出的miRNA仅存在很小的重叠,这就提出了一个问题,即由于未知因素,并且未检测到影响,是否采用不同的方法或组织存储的差异可能会促成这一事实,或者结果是否无法重现? miRNA表达。其他研究试图找到与临床参数(肿瘤等级,淋巴结分期,转移,生存)和治疗反应相关的miRNA。尽管几种miRNA似乎对CRT的反应有影响或可能预测结节期,但不同研究之间仍然只有很少的重叠。本文旨在就不同相关临床参数总结有关直肠癌和miRNA表达的最新文献。



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