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The Numerical Competency of Two Bird Species (Corvus splendens and Acridotheres tristis)




We conducted a series of experiments to test the numerical competency of two species of birds, Corvus splendens (House Crow) and Acridotheres tristis (Common Myna). Both species were allowed to choose from seven different groups of mealworms with varying proportions. We considered the birds to have made a correct choice when it selected the food group with the highest number of mealworms. Our overall results indicated that the Common Myna is able to count numbers (161 successful choices out of 247 trials) better than House Crows (133 successful choices out of 241 trials). We suspect that House Crows do not rely on a numerical sense when selecting food. Although House Crows mostly chose the cup with more mealworms (from seven food item proportions), only one proportion was chosen at rate above random chance. The Common Myna, however, were slow performers at the beginning but became increasingly more capable of numerical sense during the remainder of the experiment (four out of seven food proportion groups were chosen at a rate above random chance).
机译:我们进行了一系列实验,以测试两种鸟类,即锦鸡鸦(Corvus splendens)(House Crow)和row鼠(Acridotheres tristis)(Common Myna)的数字能力。允许这两个物种从七种不同比例的粉虫中选择。我们认为鸟类在选择粉虫数量最多的食物组时做出了正确的选择。我们的总体结果表明,比起众议院乌鸦(241个试验中的133个成功选择),普通八哥能更好地计数数字(247个试验中的161个成功选择)。我们怀疑选择食物时,家鸦不依赖于数字意义。尽管“家鸦”大多选择了带有更多粉虫的杯子(从七个食物比例中选择),但只有一个比例的选择率高于随机机会。然而,普通八哥在开始时表现较慢,但在其余实验中变得越来越具有数字意义(在七个食物比例组中,有四个以高于随机几率的比率选择)。



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