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The serotonin-N-acetylserotonin–melatonin pathway as a biomarker for autism spectrum disorders




Elevated whole-blood serotonin and decreased plasma melatonin (a circadian synchronizer hormone that derives from serotonin) have been reported independently in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Here, we explored, in parallel, serotonin, melatonin and the intermediate N-acetylserotonin (NAS) in a large cohort of patients with ASD and their relatives. We then investigated the clinical correlates of these biochemical parameters. Whole-blood serotonin, platelet NAS and plasma melatonin were assessed in 278 patients with ASD, their 506 first-degree relatives (129 unaffected siblings, 199 mothers and 178 fathers) and 416 sex- and age-matched controls. We confirmed the previously reported hyperserotonemia in ASD (40% (35–46%) of patients), as well as the deficit in melatonin (51% (45–57%)), taking as a threshold the 95th or 5th percentile of the control group, respectively. In addition, this study reveals an increase of NAS (47% (41–54%) of patients) in platelets, pointing to a disruption of the serotonin-NAS–melatonin pathway in ASD. Biochemical impairments were also observed in the first-degree relatives of patients. A score combining impairments of serotonin, NAS and melatonin distinguished between patients and controls with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 85%. In patients the melatonin deficit was only significantly associated with insomnia. Impairments of melatonin synthesis in ASD may be linked with decreased 14-3-3 proteins. Although ASDs are highly heterogeneous, disruption of the serotonin-NAS–melatonin pathway is a very frequent trait in patients and may represent a useful biomarker for a large subgroup of individuals with ASD.
机译:自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的患者有独立报道全血5-羟色胺升高和血浆褪黑激素(一种由5-羟色胺衍生的昼夜节律同步激素)降低。在这里,我们平行研究了一大批ASD患者及其亲属的血清素,褪黑激素和中间N-乙酰基5-羟色胺(NAS)。然后,我们调查了这些生化参数的临床相关性。在278名ASD患者,506名一级亲属(129名未患病的兄弟姐妹,199名母亲和178名父亲)和416名性别和年龄相匹配的对照组中评估了全血5-羟色胺,血小板NAS和血浆褪黑素。我们确认了先前报道的ASD高血清素血症(40%(35–46%)患者)和褪黑素缺乏症(51%(45–57%)),以95%或5%的阈值为阈值对照组。此外,这项研究还揭示了血小板中NAS的增加(占患者的47%(41-54%)),这表明ASD中5-羟色胺-NAS-褪黑激素途径的破坏。在患者的一级亲属中也观察到生化损伤。结合血清素,NAS和褪黑素损伤的评分可区分患者和对照组,敏感性为80%,特异性为85%。在患者中,褪黑激素缺乏仅与失眠显着相关。 ASD中褪黑激素合成的障碍可能与14-3-3蛋白减少有关。尽管ASD的异质性很高,但5-羟色胺-NAS-褪黑激素途径的破坏是患者的一个非常常见的特征,可能代表了一大批ASD患者的有用的生物标志物。



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