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What should be the elements of any settlement with the tobacco industry?




Litigation and regulatory assaults on the tobacco companies may create a willingness among tobacco manufacturers to bargain resources and acceptance of public policy changes for limitations of liability, as has been seen by the recent settlement with the Liggett Group. Two elements absolutely critical to any plan are the elimination of tobacco advertising and promotion and the removal of addiction as a reason for tobacco use. Minimal components of any settlement should include: (a) acceptance by the tobacco manufacturers of the causal relationship between tobacco use and disease, and the addictive nature of nicotine; (b) a total ban on tobacco advertising and promotion; (c) FDA jurisdiction over tobacco products and their nicotine content, with the intent of removing nicotine as soon as acceptable nicotine substitution products are available; (d) reimbursement to the states for Medicaid and other state expenditures attributable to smoking, to the maximum extent feasible; (e) funding for local, state, and federal programmes and research in tobacco control; (f) acceptance of legislation and regulations protecting the right of non-smokers to breathe air free of tobacco smoke; (g) funding for a large, national, media-led, anti- tobacco campaign; and (h) cessation assistance for addicted smokers. If negotiations toward a settlement proceed, it is essential that the public health community participate in defining the elements of any agreement to ensure that whatever agreement develops is focused on reducing tobacco-related disease rather than continuing the profitability of American tobacco companies. That participation requires articulation of the core elements essential to an acceptable agreement. If resolution of the public health issues surrounding continued sale of tobacco products can be reached in the United States, it may provide a model for similar resolution in other countries.

机译:正如最近与利吉特集团达成的和解所表明的那样,对烟草公司的诉讼和监管攻击可能使烟草制造商愿意为议价限制而讨价还价并接受公共政策变更。对于任何计划而言,绝对重要的两个要素是消除烟草广告和促销以及消除成瘾作为使用烟草的原因。任何解决方案的最小组成部分应包括:(a)烟草制造商接受烟草使用与疾病之间的因果关系以及尼古丁的成瘾性; (b)全面禁止烟草广告和促销; (c)FDA对烟草制品及其尼古丁含量的管辖权,目的是在可获得可接受的尼古丁替代产品后立即去除尼古丁; (d)在可行的最大范围内,向各州报销医疗补助和其他与吸烟有关的州支出; (e)为地方,州和联邦计划以及烟草控制研究提供资金; (f)接受保护非吸烟者呼吸无烟空气的法律和法规; (g)为大型的,国家级,媒体主导的反烟草运动提供资金; (h)为上瘾的吸烟者提供戒烟帮助。如果要进行和解谈判,则公共卫生界必须参与定义任何协议的内容,以确保无论协议的制定都集中在减少与烟草有关的疾病上,而不是继续保持美国烟草公司的盈利能力。这种参与需要阐明对于可接受的协议必不可少的核心要素。如果在美国可以解决围绕继续销售烟草制品的公共卫生问题,则可以为其他国家提供类似解决方案的模型。



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