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Assessing the performance of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA methods. 8. Predicting binding free energies and poses of protein–RNA complexes

机译:评估MM / PBSA和MM / GBSA方法的性能。 8.预测蛋白质-RNA复合物的结合自由能和位姿



Molecular docking provides a computationally efficient way to predict the atomic structural details of protein–RNA interactions (PRI), but accurate prediction of the three-dimensional structures and binding affinities for PRI is still notoriously difficult, partly due to the unreliability of the existing scoring functions for PRI. MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA are more theoretically rigorous than most scoring functions for protein–RNA docking, but their prediction performance for protein–RNA systems remains unclear. Here, we systemically evaluated the capability of MM/PBSA and MM/GBSA to predict the binding affinities and recognize the near-native binding structures for protein–RNA systems with different solvent models and interior dielectric constants (εin). For predicting the binding affinities, the predictions given by MM/GBSA based on the minimized structures in explicit solvent and the GBGBn1 model with εin = 2 yielded the highest correlation with the experimental data. Moreover, the MM/GBSA calculations based on the minimized structures in implicit solvent and the GBGBn1 model distinguished the near-native binding structures within the top 10 decoys for 117 out of the 148 protein–RNA systems (79.1%). This performance is better than all docking scoring functions studied here. Therefore, the MM/GBSA rescoring is an efficient way to improve the prediction capability of scoring functions for protein–RNA systems.
机译:分子对接为预测蛋白质-RNA相互作用(PRI)的原子结构细节提供了一种有效的计算方法,但是众所周知,精确预测PRI的三维结构和结合亲和力仍然很困难,部分原因是现有计分的不可靠性PRI的功能。 MM / PBSA和MM / GBSA在理论上比大多数蛋白质-RNA对接评分功能更为严格,但它们对蛋白质-RNA系统的预测性能仍不清楚。在这里,我们系统地评估了MM / PBSA和MM / GBSA预测结合亲和力并识别具有不同溶剂模型和内部介电常数(εin)的蛋白质-RNA系统的近天然结合结构的能力。为了预测结合亲和力,MM / GBSA基于显式溶剂中的最小化结构和εin= 2的GB GBn1 模型给出的预测与实验数据相关性最高。此外,基于隐性溶剂中的最小化结构和GB GBn1 模型的MM / GBSA计算可区分148个蛋白质-RNA系统中117个中前10个诱饵内的近天然结合结构( 79.1%)。该性能优于此处研究的所有对接计分功能。因此,MM / GBSA评分是提高蛋白质-RNA系统评分功能预测能力的有效方法。



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