首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Contrasting effects of different maternal diets on sexually dimorphic gene expression in the murine placenta

Contrasting effects of different maternal diets on sexually dimorphic gene expression in the murine placenta




Diet during pregnancy influences the future health of a woman's offspring, with outcomes differing depending on the child's sex. Because the placenta buffers the fetus from the mother, we examined the impact of diet and fetal sex on placental gene expression in mice fed either a very-high-fat, low-fat, chow diet of intermediate caloric density. At day 12.5 of pregnancy, placental RNA was extracted and analyzed by microarray. The expression of 1,972 genes was changed more than 2-fold (P < 0.05) in comparisons across diet in at least one of the three groups. Female placentae demonstrated more striking alterations in gene expression in response to maternal diet than male placentae. Notably, each diet provided a distinctive signature of sexually dimorphic genes, with expression generally higher in genes (651 out of 700) from female placentae than those from male placentae. Several genes normally considered as characteristic of kidney function were affected by diet, including genes regulating ion balance and chemoreception. The placenta also expressed most of the known olfactory receptor genes (Olfr), which may allow the placenta to sense odorant molecules and other minor dietary components, with transcript levels of many of these genes influenced by diet and fetal sex. In conclusion, gene expression in the murine placenta is adaptive and shaped by maternal diet. It also exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism, with placentae of females more sensitive to nutritional perturbations than placentae of males.
机译:怀孕期间的饮食会影响妇女子孙的未来健康,其结果因孩子的性别而异。因为胎盘缓冲了来自母亲的胎儿,所以我们检查了饮食和胎儿性别对饲喂中等热量密度的高脂,低脂,高脂饮食的小鼠胎盘基因表达的影响。在怀孕的第12.5天,提取胎盘RNA并通过微阵列分析。与三组中至少一组的饮食相比,1,972个基因的表达变化超过2倍(P <0.05)。女性胎盘比男性胎盘显示出对母体饮食反应更显着的基因表达变化。值得注意的是,每种饮食都提供了独特的性二态性基因特征,女性胎盘的基因表达(通常为700个中的651个)通常高于男性胎盘。饮食通常会影响一些肾脏功能的基因,包括调节离子平衡和化学感受的基因。胎盘还表达了大多数已知的嗅觉受体基因(Olfr),这可能使胎盘感觉到气味分子和其他微量饮食成分,其中许多基因的转录水平受饮食和胎儿性别的影响。总之,鼠胎盘中的基因表达是适应性的,并受母体饮食的影响。它还表现出明显的性二态性,女性的胎盘比男性的胎盘对营养扰动更敏感。



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