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Herbicide-binding sites revealed in the structure of plant acetohydroxyacid synthase




The sulfonylureas and imidazolinones are potent commercial herbicide families. They are among the most popular choices for farmers worldwide, because they are nontoxic to animals and highly selective. These herbicides inhibit branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis in plants by targeting acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS, EC This report describes the 3D structure of Arabidopsis thaliana AHAS in complex with five sulfonylureas (to 2.5 Å resolution) and with the imidazolinone, imazaquin (IQ; 2.8 Å). Neither class of molecule has a structure that mimics the substrates for the enzyme, but both inhibit by blocking a channel through which access to the active site is gained. The sulfonylureas approach within 5 Å of the catalytic center, which is the C2 atom of the cofactor thiamin diphosphate, whereas IQ is at least 7 Å from this atom. Ten of the amino acid residues that bind the sulfonylureas also bind IQ. Six additional residues interact only with the sulfonylureas, whereas there are two residues that bind IQ but not the sulfonylureas. Thus, the two classes of inhibitor occupy partially overlapping sites but adopt different modes of binding. The increasing emergence of resistant weeds due to the appearance of mutations that interfere with the inhibition of AHAS is now a worldwide problem. The structures described here provide a rational molecular basis for understanding these mutations, thus allowing more sophisticated AHAS inhibitors to be developed. There is no previously described structure for any plant protein in complex with a commercial herbicide.
机译:磺酰脲类和咪唑啉酮类是有效的商业除草剂家族。由于它们对动物无毒且具有高度的选择性,它们是全世界农民最受欢迎的选择之一。这些除草剂通过靶向乙酰羟酸合酶(AHAS,EC来抑制植物中的支链氨基酸生物合成。该报告描述了拟南芥AHAS的3D结构,该结构与5种磺酰脲类化合物(至2.5Å分辨率)以及咪唑啉酮-imazaquin(IQ; 2.8Å)复合。这两类分子都没有模仿酶底物的结构,但是两者都通过阻断通道来抑制,通过该通道可接近活性位点。磺酰脲接近催化中心5Å之内,它是辅助因子硫胺素二磷酸的C2原子,而IQ距该原子至少7Å。结合磺酰脲的十个氨基酸残基也结合智商。另外六个残基仅与磺酰脲相互作用,而有两个残基与智商结合而不与磺酰脲结合。因此,这两类抑制剂占据部分重叠的位点,但是采用不同的结合方式。由于出现了干扰抑制AHAS的突变,抗性杂草的出现越来越多,这已成为一个世界性的问题。此处描述的结构为理解这些突变提供了合理的分子基础,从而允许开发更复杂的AHAS抑制剂。与商业除草剂复合的任何植物蛋白都没有先前描述的结构。



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