
Colloquium Paper: Human-modified ecosystems and future evolution




Our global impact is finally receiving the scientific attention it deserves. The outcome will largely determine the future course of evolution. Human-modified ecosystems are shaped by our activities and their side effects. They share a common set of traits including simplified food webs, landscape homogenization, and high nutrient and energy inputs. Ecosystem simplification is the ecological hallmark of humanity and the reason for our evolutionary success. However, the side effects of our profligacy and poor resource practices are now so pervasive as to threaten our future no less than that of biological diversity itself. This article looks at human impact on ecosystems and the consequences for evolution. It concludes that future evolution will be shaped by our awareness of the global threats, our willingness to take action, and our ability to do so. Our ability is presently hampered by several factors, including the poor state of ecosystem and planetary knowledge, ignorance of human impact, lack of guidelines for sustainability, and a paucity of good policies, practices, and incentives for adopting those guidelines in daily life. Conservation philosophy, science, and practice must be framed against the reality of human-dominated ecosystems, rather than the separation of humanity and nature underlying the modern conservation movement. The steps scientists can take to imbed science in conservation and conservation in the societal process affecting the future of ecosystems and human well-being are discussed.
机译:我们的全球影响力终于得到应有的科学重视。结果将在很大程度上决定未来的发展方向。人类活动的生态系统受我们的活动及其副作用影响。它们具有共同的特征,包括简化的食物网,景观同质化以及高营养和能量输入。简化生态系统是人类的生态标志,也是我们取得进化成功的原因。但是,如今,我们的挥霍无度和资源匮乏的做法无处不在,对我们的未来构成的威胁不亚于生物多样性本身。本文着眼于人类对生态系统的影响及其演变的后果。结论是,未来的发展将由我们对全球威胁的认识,我们采取行动的意愿以及我们采取行动的能力来决定。目前,我们的能力受到多种因素的制约,包括生态系统和行星知识的状况不佳,对人类影响的无知,缺乏可持续性准则以及缺乏在日常生活中采用这些准则的良好政策,做法和动机。保护 哲学,科学和实践必须与现实相抵触 人类主导的生态系统,而不是人类的分离 和自然是现代保护运动的基础。步骤 科学家可以将科学融入保护和保护中 在影响生态系统和人类未来的社会进程中 讨论幸福。



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