
Applications of pox virus vectors to vaccination: an update.




Recombinant pox viruses have been generated for vaccination against heterologous pathogens. Amongst these, the following are notable examples. (i) The engineering of the Copenhagen strain of vaccinia virus to express the rabies virus glycoprotein. When applied in baits, this recombinant has been shown to vaccinate the red fox in Europe and raccoons in the United States, stemming the spread of rabies virus infection in the wild. (ii) A fowlpox-based recombinant expressing the Newcastle disease virus fusion and hemagglutinin glycoproteins has been shown to protect commercial broiler chickens for their lifetime when the vaccine was administered at 1 day of age, even in the presence of maternal immunity against either the Newcastle disease virus or the pox vector. (iii) Recombinants of canarypox virus, which is restricted for replication to avian species, have provided protection against rabies virus challenge in cats and dogs, against canine distemper virus, feline leukemia virus, and equine influenza virus disease. In humans, canarypox virus-based recombinants expressing antigens from rabies virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and HIV have been shown to be safe and immunogenic. (iv) A highly attenuated vaccinia derivative, NYVAC, has been engineered to express antigens from both animal and human pathogens. Safety and immunogenicity of NYVAC-based recombinants expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein, a polyprotein from Japanese encephalitis virus, and seven antigens from Plasmodium falciparum have been demonstrated to be safe and immunogenic in early human vaccine studies.
机译:已经产生了重组痘病毒用于针对异源病原体的疫苗接种。在这些之中,以下是值得注意的例子。 (i)工程化牛痘病毒哥本哈根菌株以表达狂犬病病毒糖蛋白。当用于诱饵中时,该重组体已显示出可以在欧洲和美国的浣熊中接种赤狐,从而阻止了狂犬病病毒在野外的传播。 (ii)已证明,表达新城疫病毒融合蛋白和血凝素糖蛋白的基于鸡痘的重组体在1日龄施用疫苗时,即使存在母体对新城疫的免疫力,也能保护商品肉鸡一生。疾病病毒或痘病毒载体。 (iii)金丝雀痘病毒的重组体只能复制到禽类中,它提供了抵抗猫和狗中狂犬病病毒攻击,犬瘟热病毒,猫白血病病毒和马流感病毒疾病的保护作用。在人类中,表达来自狂犬病病毒,日本脑炎病毒和HIV的抗原的基于金丝雀痘病毒的重组体已显示出安全性和免疫原性。 (iv)一种高度减毒的牛痘衍生物NYVAC已被工程化表达动物和人类病原体的抗原。在早期的人类疫苗研究中,已证明表达狂犬病病毒糖蛋白,日本脑炎病毒的多蛋白和恶性疟原虫的7种抗原的基于NYVAC的重组体的安全性和免疫原性。



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