首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Efficient Tn10 transposition into a DNA insertion hot spot in vivo requires the 5-methyl groups of symmetrically disposed thymines within the hot-spot consensus sequence.

Efficient Tn10 transposition into a DNA insertion hot spot in vivo requires the 5-methyl groups of symmetrically disposed thymines within the hot-spot consensus sequence.




Transposon Tn10 inserts preferentially at particular insertion "hot spots" that share a symmetrical 6-base-pair consensus sequence: 5' GCTNAGC 3'. The protein that recognizes this sequence is not known but is likely to be the Tn10-encoded transposase protein. We present evidence that the 5-methyl groups of the two thymines in this sequence are essential for efficient transposon insertion; in their absence the sequence is still recognized, but at lower efficiency. We have reached this conclusion by examination of a specific hot spot whose sequence is 5' GCCAGGC 3'. The innermost cytosines of this sequence happen to be substrates for methylation at their 5 positions by the bacterial dcm-encoded methylase. We find that Tn10 transposes into this site 15 times more frequently in a Dcm+ host than in a Dcm- host; in the Dcm- host, insertions still occur, but at a low frequency. Thus, at this site, the absence of pyrimidine 5-methyl groups at the third positions of the consensus sequence is sufficient to convert a strong insertion hot spot into a weaker but still recognizable hot spot. This observation supports the general proposition, suggested previously by comparisons among consensus sequences, that the presence or absence of these 5-methyl groups is one major feature that can make the difference between a strong and a weak Tn10 insertion hot spot.
机译:转座子Tn10优先插入共享对称的6个碱基对共有序列的特定插入“热点”:5'GCTNAGC 3'。识别该序列的蛋白未知,但很可能是Tn10编码的转座酶蛋白。我们提供的证据表明,该序列中两个胸腺嘧啶的5-甲基对于有效的转座子插入必不可少。在它们不存在的情况下,序列仍然被识别,但是效率较低。通过检查序列为5'GCCAGGC 3'的特定热点,我们得出了这个结论。该序列最里面的胞嘧啶恰好是细菌dcm编码的甲基化酶在其5个位置进行甲基化的底物。我们发现,在Dcm +主机中,Tn10转入该位点的频率是在Dcm-主机中的15倍。在Dcm-host中,插入仍然发生,但频率较低。因此,在该位点,在共有序列的第三位置不存在嘧啶5-甲基足以将强插入热点转化为较弱但仍可识别的热点。该观察结果支持一般性命题,如先前通过共有序列之间的比较所暗示的那样,这些5-甲基的存在与否是一个主要特征,可以使强和弱Tn10插入热点之间产生差异。



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