首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Humans have antibodies capable of recognizing oncoviral glycoproteins: demonstration that these antibodies are formed in response to cellular modification of glycoproteins rather than as consequence of exposure to virus.

Humans have antibodies capable of recognizing oncoviral glycoproteins: demonstration that these antibodies are formed in response to cellular modification of glycoproteins rather than as consequence of exposure to virus.




There is controversy in the literature concerning the presence in humans of antibodies directed against the envelope glycoproteins of known oncoviruses. In the present report, we show that antibodies capable of precipitating a wide variety of oncoviral glycoproteins can be demonstrated under certain assay conditions. Substances as diverse as normal components of serum, extracts of bacteria, and even nonprotein molecules such as glycogen also shared the oncoviral glycoprotein determinants recognized by normal human sera. It was found that immunoprecipitation of a given viral glycoprotein by human sera was entirely dependent upon the cell in which the virus was grown. Human sera specifically did not recognize glycoproteins purified from oncoviruses grown in human or higher primate cells. These findings not only demonstrate that the antibodies were directed against cellular rather than the virus-coded antigenic determinants but also exclude the possibility that this immune response was elicited as a consequence of oncovirus exposure.



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