首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>PLoS Pathogens >Controlled human malaria infection with Plasmodium falciparum demonstrates impact of naturally acquired immunity on virulence gene expression

Controlled human malaria infection with Plasmodium falciparum demonstrates impact of naturally acquired immunity on virulence gene expression




The pathogenesis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria is linked to the variant surface antigen PfEMP1, which mediates tethering of infected erythrocytes to the host endothelium and is encoded by approximately 60 var genes per parasite genome. Repeated episodes of malaria infection result in the gradual acquisition of protective antibodies against PfEMP1 variants. The antibody repertoire is believed to provide a selective pressure driving the clonal expansion of parasites expressing unrecognized PfEMP1 variants, however, due to the lack of experimental in vivo models there is only limited experimental evidence in support of this concept. To get insight into the impact of naturally acquired immunity on the expressed var gene repertoire early during infection we performed controlled human malaria infections of 20 adult African volunteers with life-long malaria exposure using aseptic, purified, cryopreserved P. falciparum sporozoites (Sanaria PfSPZ Challenge) and correlated serological data with var gene expression patterns from ex vivo parasites. Among the 10 African volunteers who developed patent infections, individuals with low antibody levels showed a steep rise in parasitemia accompanied by broad activation of multiple, predominantly subtelomeric var genes, similar to what we previously observed in naïve volunteers. In contrast, individuals with intermediate antibody levels developed asymptomatic infections and the ex vivo parasite populations expressed only few var gene variants, indicative of clonal selection. Importantly, in contrast to parasites from naïve volunteers, expression of var genes coding for endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR)-binding PfEMP1 that are associated with severe childhood malaria was rarely detected in semi-immune adult African volunteers. Moreover, we followed var gene expression for up to six parasite replication cycles and demonstrated for the first time in vivo a shift in the dominant var gene variant. In conclusion, our data suggest that P. falciparum activates multiple subtelomeric var genes at the onset of blood stage infection facilitating rapid expansion of parasite clones which express PfEMP1 variants unrecognized by the host’s immune system, thus promoting overall parasite survival in the face of host immunity.
机译:恶性疟原虫疟疾的发病机制与变异表面抗原PfEMP1相关,该表面抗原介导感染的红细胞与宿主内皮的系链,每个寄生虫基因组由大约60个var基因编码。疟疾感染的反复发作导致逐渐获得针对PfEMP1变体的保护性抗体。据信抗体库提供选择性压力,驱动表达未识别的PfEMP1变体的寄生虫的克隆扩增,但是,由于缺乏实验性体内模型,仅有有限的实验证据支持该概念。为了深入了解感染过程中自然获得的免疫力对表达的var基因谱系的影响,我们使用无菌,纯化,冷冻保存的恶性疟原虫子孢子虫对20名成年非洲志愿者进行了终身疟疾暴露的受控人类疟疾感染(Sanaria PfSPZ挑战),并将血清学数据与离体寄生虫的var基因表达模式相关联。在10名发生专利感染的非洲志愿者中,抗体水平低的人显示出寄生虫病急剧上升,并伴有多个主要为亚端粒变种var基因的广泛激活,这与我们之前在纯稚志愿者中观察到的相似。相反,具有中等抗体水平的个体发展为无症状感染,离体寄生虫群体仅表达很少的var基因变异,表明克隆选择。重要的是,与来自天真的志愿者的寄生虫相反,在半免疫的成年非洲志愿者中很少检测到编码与严重的儿童疟疾有关的内皮蛋白C受体(EPCR)结合PfEMP1的var基因的表达。此外,我们追踪了 var 基因的表达,进行了多达六个寄生虫复制循环,并首次证明了体内显性的 var 基因发生了转变变体。总之,我们的数据表明 P 。恶性血液感染时, falciparum 激活多个亚端粒 var 基因,促进寄生虫克隆的快速扩增,这些克隆表达了宿主免疫力无法识别的 Pf EMP1变异体系统,从而在面对宿主免疫时提高了总体寄生虫存活率。


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