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Non-reciprocal Interspecies Hybridization Barriers in the Capsella Genus Are Established in the Endosperm




The transition to selfing in Capsella rubella accompanies its recent divergence from the ancestral outcrossing C. grandiflora species about 100,000 years ago. Whether the change in mating system was accompanied by the evolution of additional reproductive barriers that enforced species divergence remained unknown. Here, we show that C. rubella and C. grandiflora are reproductively separated by an endosperm-based, non-reciprocal postzygotic hybridization barrier. While hybridizations of C. rubella maternal plants with C. grandiflora pollen donors resulted in complete seed abortion caused by endosperm cellularization failure, the reciprocal hybridization resulted in the formation of small seeds with precociously cellularized endosperm. Strikingly, the transcriptomic response of both hybridizations mimicked respectively the response of paternal and maternal excess hybridizations in Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting unbalanced genome strength causes hybridization failure in both species. These results provide strong support for the theory that crosses between plants of different mating systems will be unbalanced, with the outcrosser behaving like a plant of increased ploidy, evoking a response that resembles an interploidy-type seed failure. Seed incompatilibity of C. rubella pollinated by C. grandiflora followed the Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller model, involving negative genetic interaction of multiple paternal C. grandiflora loci with at least one maternal C. rubella locus. Given that both species only recently diverged, our data suggest that a fast evolving mechanism underlies the post-zygotic hybridization barrier(s) separating both species.
机译:风疹病毒自交的过渡伴随着它与大约十万年前祖传异花大花。种最近的分化。交配系统的变化是否伴随着迫使物种分化的其他生殖屏障的进化,尚不清楚。在这里,我们显示C.风疹和C.大花被生殖的基于胚乳的,非互惠的后合子杂交障碍。尽管风疹假单胞菌母本植物与大花假单胞菌花粉供体的杂交导致胚乳细胞化失败而导致种子完全流产,但相互杂交导致早熟的细胞化胚乳形成小种子。引人注目的是,两种杂交的转录组反应分别模仿拟南芥中父本和母本过量杂交的反应,表明基因组强度的不平衡会导致这两种物种的杂交失败。这些结果为不同交配系统的植物之间的杂交将不平衡的理论提供了有力的支持,而异型杂交的表现就像是倍数性增加的植物,引起了类似倍数间型种子衰竭的反应。大花授粉的风疹种子的不相容性遵循Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller模型,涉及多个父本 C 的负遗传相互作用。 grandiflora 位点,至少有一个产妇 C 。 <风湿疹位点。鉴于这两个物种只是最近才分化,我们的数据表明,快速进化的机制是分离两个物种的合子后杂交障碍的基础。



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