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Relationship between Ethylene Evolution and Senescence in Morning-Glory Flower Tissue




An excised tissue system consisting of corolla rib segments was developed to study the relationship between senescence and ethylene production in morning-glory flowers (Ipomoea tricolor). Such segments, isolated 1 or 2 days (day −1 or day −2) before flower opening (day 0) passed through the same developmental phases as did the corresponding tissues of the intact organ. When excised on day −1 and incubated overnight, the rib segments turned from purple to blue and changed from a slightly curled to a flat configuration. On day 0, these segments rolled up during the afternoon and turned purple again, as did the ribs of an intact corolla; the rolling up coincided with an increased rate of ethylene production. Premature rolling up and associated ethylene evolution were induced by ethylene or propylene treatment. When segments were excised on day −2 and incubated overnight, there were no changes in color or shape; during day −1, no spontaneous rolling up and little ethylene evolution occurred. Application of ethylene or propylene to these immature segments elicited rolling up but did not stimulate endogenous ethylene production.Overnight treatment of segments cut on day −1 with 10−6m benzyladenine markedly retarded spontaneous rolling up and ethylene evolution, although the response to applied ethylene was only slightly slowed. Overnight treatment of segments cut on day −1 with the ethoxy analog of rhizobitoxine (10−5 to 10−4m) resulted in almost complete (>99%) inhibition of both spontaneous and propylene-induced ethylene evolution. Although spontaneous rolling up was delayed, it was not abolished, and ethylene-induced rolling up was almost unaffected.These data indicate that an ethylene-generating system develops as an integral part of the aging process in flower tissue. Ethylene hastens aging of the flower, but may not play an obligatory role in flower senescence.
机译:开发了由花冠肋节组成的切除的组织系统,以研究牵牛花花(三色堇菜)的衰老与乙烯生成之间的关系。在花朵开放(第0天)之前的1或2天(第-1天或-2天)分离出的这些片段与完整器官的相应组织经过相同的发育阶段。当在第-1天切下并孵育过夜时,肋骨段从紫色变成蓝色,并从略微卷曲的形状变为平坦的形状。在第0天,这些花粉在下午卷起并再次变紫,完整花冠的肋骨也是如此。产量的增加与乙烯产量的增加同时发生。乙烯或丙烯处理可引起过早的卷曲和相关的乙烯释放。当在第-2天将片段切下并孵育过夜时,其颜色或形状没有变化。在第-1天,没有自发卷曲并且几乎没有乙烯逸出。在这些未成熟的链段上使用乙烯或丙烯会引起聚集,但不会刺激内源性乙烯的产生。隔夜处理在第-1天切割的链段,用10 -6 m苄腺嘌呤显着阻碍了自发聚集和乙烯的生成。 ,尽管对施加的乙烯的反应仅稍有减慢。隔夜治疗在第-1天切割的段,使用根硫辛酸的乙氧基类似物(10 -5 至10 -4 m)导致几乎完全(> 99%)抑制自发和丙烯诱导的乙烯进化。尽管自发卷积被延迟了,但它并没有被消除,乙烯诱导的卷积几乎没有受到影响。这些数据表明,乙烯生成系统是花组织中衰老过程不可或缺的一部分。乙烯会加速花的衰老,但可能不会在花衰老中起强制性作用。



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