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Exposure of dogs to Rickettsia spp. in Costa Rica: Risk factors for PCR-positive ectoparasites and seropositivity




Infection of dogs with Rickettsia spp. can result in inapparent, mild, or severe disease. Moreover, common dog ticks and fleas are able to transmit rickettsiae to nearby humans. In this study, the seroprevalence of spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae was determined in dogs of Costa Rica, as well as possible risk factors associated with exposure. An interview of owners and clinical examinations were performed in a country-wide sample of 441 dogs. IgG antibodies were determined in 399 dogs by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) using antigens of Rickettsia rickettsii, R. amblyommatis, and R. felis. The presence of Rickettsia spp. gltA gene was evaluated by PCR in ticks and fleas. Poisson regression was performed to assess possible risk factors associated with seropositivity, as well as with having PCR-positive ticks and fleas. The overall seroprevalence to SFG rickettsiae was 10.0% (end titers 64 to 256). Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. (116/441; 26.3%) and Ctenocephalides felis (153/441; 34.7%) were the most common ectoparasites. Rickettsia DNA was detected in 30% (39/130) and 32.3% (56/173) of tick and flea pools, respectively. Seropositivity was significantly associated with mean age of 2 to 7 years, scrotal edema, walking problems, large size, and tick and flea infestation. Being a purebred dog was a possible protective factor. The presence of Rickettsia PCR-positive ticks was associated with being a purebred dog, while flea treatment was protective. Having PCR-positive fleas was associated with being purebred and the number of people in the dog's environment; protective factors were free roaming and being an outdoor dog. Results confirm that dogs in Costa Rica are exposed to different species of SFG rickettsiae. This may represent a risk to human health and underscores the need for accurate diagnosis in dogs and humans. Surveillance of rickettsial infection in canines may provide useful indicators to understand the epidemiology of these zoonoses.
机译:狗感染立克次体属。可能导致不明显,轻度或严重的疾病。此外,常见的狗虱和跳蚤能够将立克次体传播给附近的人。在这项研究中,确定了哥斯达黎加犬中斑点热组立克次体的血清阳性率,以及与暴露有关的可能危险因素。在全国441只狗的样本中进行了主人的访谈和临床检查。使用立克次氏立克次体,棉铃虫和猫痢疾杆菌的抗原,通过间接免疫荧光测定(IFA)在399只狗中测定IgG抗体。立克次体属的存在。通过PCR评估tick和跳蚤中的gltA基因。进行泊松回归以评估与血清阳性以及PCR阳性tick和跳蚤相关的可能危险因素。 SFG立克次体的总体血清阳性率为10.0%(滴度为64至256)。血头蛇头(116/441; 26.3%)和猫Ctenocephalides(153/441; 34.7%)是最常见的体外寄生虫。分别在30%(39/130)和32.3%(56/173)的壁虱和跳蚤池中发现了立克次体DNA。血清阳性与平均年龄2至7岁,阴囊水肿,行走问题,体型较大以及tick虱和跳蚤侵染显着相关。成为纯种狗可能是保护因素。立克次体PCR阳性tick的存在与纯种狗有关,而跳蚤治疗具有保护性。 PCR阳性的跳蚤与纯种以及狗环境中的人数有关。保护因素是自由漫游和成为户外狗。结果证实哥斯达黎加的狗暴露于不同种类的SFG立克次体。这可能对人类健康构成威胁,并强调了对狗和人类进行准确诊断的需求。犬病感染的监测可能会提供有用的指标,以了解这些人畜共患病的流行病学。



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