
Primary sclerosing cholangitis




Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease of unknown aetiology characterised by inflammation and fibrosis of the biliary tree. The mean age at diagnosis is 40 years and men are affected twice as often as women. There is a reported annual incidence of PSC of 0.9–1.31/100,000 and point prevalence of 8.5–13.6/100,000. The onset of PSC is usually insidious and many patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis or have mild symptoms only such as fatigue, abdominal discomfort and pruritus In late stages, splenomegaly and jaundice may be a feature. In most, the disease progresses to cirrhosis and liver failure. Cholangiocarcinoma develops in 8–30% of patients. PSC is thought to be immune mediated and is often associated with inflammatory bowel disease, especially ulcerative colitis. The disease is diagnosed on typical cholangiographic and histological findings and after exclusion of secondary sclerosing cholangitis. Median survival has been estimated to be 12 years from diagnosis in symptomatic patients. Patients who are asymptomatic at diagnosis, the majority of whom will develop progressive disease, have a survival rate greater than 70% at 16 years after diagnosis. Liver transplantation remains the only effective therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver disease from PSC, although high dose ursodeoxycholic acid may have a beneficial effect.
机译:原发性硬化性胆管炎(PSC)是一种病因不明的慢性胆汁淤积性肝病,其特征是胆道树发炎和纤维化。诊断时的平均年龄为40岁,男性患病的频率是女性的两倍。据报道,PSC的年发病率为0.9–1.31 / 100,000,点患病率为8.5–13.6 / 100,000。 PSC的发作通常是隐匿的,许多患者在诊断时无症状或仅具有轻度症状,例如疲劳,腹部不适和瘙痒。在晚期,脾肿大和黄疸可能是特征。在大多数情况下,疾病会发展为肝硬化和肝衰竭。胆管癌发生在8–30%的患者中。 PSC被认为是免疫介导的,通常与炎症性肠病,尤其是溃疡性结肠炎有关。根据典型的胆管造影和组织学发现以及排除继发性硬化性胆管炎后,可诊断出该病。有症状患者的中位生存期估计为12年。诊断无症状的患者大多数会发展为进行性疾病,诊断后16年生存率大于70%。尽管高剂量熊去氧胆酸可能具有有益的作用,但肝移植仍然是患有PSC终末期肝病患者的唯一有效治疗选择。



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