首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Nucleic Acids Research >The sequence of the distal end of the E. coli ribosomal RNA rrnE operon indicates conserved features are shared by rrn operons.

The sequence of the distal end of the E. coli ribosomal RNA rrnE operon indicates conserved features are shared by rrn operons.

机译:大肠杆菌核糖体RNA rrnE操纵子的远端序列表明保守的特征由rrn操纵子共享。



The 1440 nucleotides of the distal region of the E. coli ribosomal RNA operon found on the lambda aroE transducing phage has been sequenced. We show that the lambda aroE hybrid rrn operon ends after a solitary 5S RNA gene with rrnE distal sequence. A single terminator structure of dyad symmetry followed by a run of six T's have been identified and compared to other sequenced rrn terminator hairpins. Immediately adjacent to the hairpin is a region of interrupted but conserved sequence that is shared by rrnE, rrnB and rrnD. An open reading frame of 127 amino acids abuts the terminator structure. Another open reading frame of 147 amino acids is found on the opposite strand several hundred nucleotides downstream.
机译:在λaroE转导噬菌体上发现的大肠杆菌核糖体RNA操纵子远端区域的1440个核苷酸已被测序。我们显示,λaroE杂种rrn操纵子在带有rrnE远端序列的单独5S RNA基因后结束。已经确定了一个双子对称的终止子结构,随后是六个T序列,并与其他测序的rrn终止子发夹进行了比较。紧靠发夹的是一个由rrnE,rrnB和rrnD共享的中断但保守序列的区域。 127个氨基酸的开放阅读框邻接终止子结构。在相反的链下游数百个核苷酸处发现了另一个147个氨基酸的开放阅读框。



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