首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Molecules >Approach Study for Mass Balance of Pesticide Residues in Distillers’ Stillage along with Distillate and Absence Verification of Pesticides in Distilled Spirits from Pilot-Scale of Distillation Column

Approach Study for Mass Balance of Pesticide Residues in Distillers’ Stillage along with Distillate and Absence Verification of Pesticides in Distilled Spirits from Pilot-Scale of Distillation Column




Herein, contaminants remaining in distillate and distillers’ stillage were quantitatively measured after distillation. After rice bran powder was contaminated with 10 ppm of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) or 0.02–1.27 ppm of five pesticides (terbufos, fenthion, iprobenfos, flutolanil, and ethoprophos) followed by fermentation, single-stage distillation was performed. In the obtained distillate, no Pb or Cd was found, as expected. However, when the pesticides were added as contaminants, trace–0.05 ppm of some pesticides were detected in the distillate, possibly due to the high vapor pressure (e.g., that of ethoprophos) and contamination amount (e.g., that of flutolanil, terbufos, and fenthion). In contrast, none of the contaminating pesticides were observed in the distilled spirits when a fermented liquefaction contaminated with 0.04–4 ppm of six pesticides (fenthion, terbufos, ethoprophos, iprobenfos, oxadiazon, and flutolanil) was distilled using a pilot-plant scale distillation column, indicating that the pesticides hardly migrate to the distilled spirits.
机译:此处,蒸馏后定量测量残留在馏出物和蒸馏器蒸馏物中的污染物。米糠粉被10 ppm的铅(Pb)和镉(Cd)或0.02–1.27 ppm的五种农药(terbufos,fenthion,iprobenfos,flulanlanil和ethoprophos)污染后,进行发酵,然后进行单级蒸馏。如所预期的那样,在获得的馏出物中没有发现Pb或Cd。但是,当添加农药作为污染物时,在馏出物中检测到痕量农药的含量为–0.05 ppm,这可能是由于高蒸汽压(例如,乙草胺的蒸汽压)和污染量(例如,氟苯腈,萜品和芬硫磷)。相比之下,当采用中试规模蒸馏法蒸馏了被0.04–4 ppm的六种农药(六硫磷,terbufos,ethoprophos,iprobenfos,oxadiazon和flutolanil)污染的发酵液化时,在蒸馏酒中没有发现任何污染性农药。柱,表明农药几乎不迁移至蒸馏酒。



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