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8-Bit Adder and Subtractor with Domain Label Based on DNA Strand Displacement




DNA strand displacement, which plays a fundamental role in DNA computing, has been widely applied to many biological computing problems, including biological logic circuits. However, there are many biological cascade logic circuits with domain labels based on DNA strand displacement that have not yet been designed. Thus, in this paper, cascade 8-bit adder/subtractor with a domain label is designed based on DNA strand displacement; domain t and domain f represent signal 1 and signal 0, respectively, instead of domain t and domain f are applied to representing signal 1 and signal 0 respectively instead of high concentration and low concentration high concentration and low concentration. Basic logic gates, an amplification gate, a fan-out gate and a reporter gate are correspondingly reconstructed as domain label gates. The simulation results of Visual DSD show the feasibility and accuracy of the logic calculation model of the adder/subtractor designed in this paper. It is a useful exploration that may expand the application of the molecular logic circuit.
机译:在DNA计算中起着基本作用的DNA链置换已广泛应用于许多生物计算问题,包括生物逻辑电路。但是,尚未设计出许多具有基于DNA链位移的域标记的生物级联逻辑电路。因此,在本文中,基于DNA链位移设计了具有域标记的级联8位加法器/减法器;域t和域f分别代表信号1和信号0,而不是域t和域f分别代表信号1和信号0,而不是高浓度和低浓度,高浓度和低浓度。基本逻辑门,放大门,扇出门和报告器门相应地重构为域标签门。 Visual DSD的仿真结果表明了本文设计的加法器/减法器逻辑计算模型的可行性和准确性。这是有益的探索,可以扩展分子逻辑电路的应用。



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