首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Molecular Therapy. Nucleic Acids >microRNA-140 Inhibits Inflammation and Stimulates Chondrogenesis in a Model of Interleukin 1β-induced Osteoarthritis

microRNA-140 Inhibits Inflammation and Stimulates Chondrogenesis in a Model of Interleukin 1β-induced Osteoarthritis




Osteoarthritis is a serious disease of articular cartilage. The pathogenic factors contributing to this disorder are inflammation, extracellular matrix degradation and failure to rebuild the articular cartilage. Preclinical studies suggest that microRNA-140 may play a protective role in osteoarthritis development, but little is known about the mechanism by which this occurs. Here we present the results of forced expression of microRNA-140 in an in vitro model of osteoarthritis, evaluated by global proteomics analysis. We show that inflammation was reduced through the altered levels of multiple proteins involved in the nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 pathway. microRNA-140 upregulated many of the components involved in the synthesis of hyaline extracellular matrix and reduced the levels of aggrecanases and syndecan 4, thus potentially both increasing cartilage repair and reducing cartilage breakdown. These results show how forced expression of microRNA-140 is likely to counteract all three pathogenic processes, and support the idea that intra-articular injection of microRNA-140 may benefit patients suffering from early osteoarthritis.
机译:骨关节炎是一种严重的关节软骨疾病。导致这种疾病的致病因素是炎症,细胞外基质降解和无法重建关节软骨。临床前研究表明,microRNA-140可能在骨关节炎的发展中起保护作用,但对其发生的机理知之甚少。在这里,我们介绍了通过整体蛋白质组学分析评估的骨关节炎体外模型中microRNA-140的强制表达结果。我们表明,炎症是通过改变参与B细胞1途径中Kappa轻型多肽基因增强子的核因子的多种蛋白质的水平降低而降低的。 microRNA-140上调了透明细胞外基质合成中涉及的许多成分,并降低了软骨聚集蛋白聚糖酶和syndecan 4的水平,因此潜在地增加了软骨修复和减少了软骨分解。这些结果表明,microRNA-140的强制表达可能如何抵消所有三个致病过程,并支持关节内注射microRNA-140可能使患有早期骨关节炎的患者受益的观点。



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