class='kwd-title'>Method name: Chironomus sancti'/> Chironomus sancticaroli generation test: A new methodology with a Brazilian endemic insect
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Chironomus sancticaroli generation test: A new methodology with a Brazilian endemic insect

机译:Chironomus sancticaroli生成测试:一种巴西特有昆虫的新方法



class="kwd-title">Method name: Chironomus sancticaroli generation test class="kwd-title">Keywords: Chironomus xanthus, Long-term ecotoxicological tests, Life cycle class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0010title">AbstractThis paper presents a new ecotoxicological test to investigate the response of a Brazilian endemic insect Chironomus sancticaroli through its life cycle and its future generations. This test can evaluate differences between the endpoints analyzed in diverse generations, describing the long-term impact of a substance or matrix effects along the time of exposure. Despite earlier papers already present the generation test with Chironomus riparius, there are still no studies with long-term test applied to C. sancticaroli. In this sense, this study evaluated different conditions for the development of a methodology that prolonged the duration of the test and allowed the best sampling of the organism on environmental toxicity tests. The distinct conditions tested were: volumes of test solution, frequency of feed, number of larvae, type of vessel and test solution replacement. The best condition for the C. sancticaroli generation test includes the exposition of 20 larvae to 340 or 500 mL of test solution, 60 g formulated sediment, feeding with Tetramin® each 10 days and, from a spawn, a new test will be prepared with the same characteristics of the previous one. This new methodology can reveal toxic effects along the exposure time and brings advances on toxicology area. class="first-line-outdent" id="lis0005">
  • • Prolonged testing makes it possible to analyze the long-term effects
  • • The methodology "C. sancticaroli generation test" allows to evaluate the responses of organisms in different life cycles
  • • The methodology allows to analyze the effects of substances in liquid medium and environmental quality through exposure to sediment
  • 机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>方法名称: Chironomus sancticaroli generation test class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: Chironomus xanthus,长期生态毒理学测试,生命周期 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ abs0010title”>摘要本文提出了一种新的生态毒理学测试,以研究巴西地方性昆虫Chironomus sancticaroli通过其反应生命周期及其后代。该测试可以评估不同世代分析的端点之间的差异,描述物质或基质效应在暴露时间的长期影响。尽管较早的论文已经提出了用裂殖酵母(Chironomus riparius)进行世代试验,但尚无长期试验用于圣克鲁斯菌的研究。从这个意义上说,这项研究评估了开发条件的不同条件,该方法延长了测试的持续时间,并允许在环境毒性测试中对生物进行最佳采样。测试的不同条件是:测试溶液的体积,进料频率,幼虫数量,容器的类型和测试溶液的更换。 Sancticaroli生成测试的最佳条件包括将20个幼虫暴露于340或500mL mL的测试溶液,60μg配制的沉淀物中,每10天喂食Tetramin®,并从产卵中准备一个新的测试与上一个相同。这种新方法可以揭示暴露时间的毒性作用,并在毒理学领域取得进展。 class =“ first-line-outdent” id =“ lis0005”> <!-list-behavior =简单的前缀-word = mark- type = none max-label-size = 9->
  • •长时间的测试使分析长期影响成为可能
  • •方法论“ C. sancticaroli生成测试”可以评估生物在不同生命周期中的反应
  • •该方法可以通过暴露于沉积物来分析液体介质中物质的影响和环境质量< / li>
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