
Brain ‘imaging’ in the Renaissance




During the Renaissance, a period of ‘rebirth’ for humanities and science, new knowledge and speculation began to emerge about the function of the human body, replacing ancient religious and philosophical dogma. The brain must have been a fascinating mystery to a Renaissance artist, but some speculation existed at that time on the function of its parts. Here we show how revived interest in anatomy and life sciences may have influenced the figurative work of Italian and Flemish masters, such as Rafael, Michelangelo and David. We present a historical perspective on the artists and the period in which they lived, their fascination for human anatomy and its symbolic use in their art.Prior to the 16th century, knowledge of the brain was limited and influenced in a dogmatic way by the teachings of Galen who, as we now know, conducted his anatomical studies not on humans but on animals. Nemesus, Bishop of Emesa, in around the year 400 was one of the first to attribute mental faculties to the brain, specifically to the ventricles. He identified two anterior (lateral) ventricles, to which he assigned perception, a middle ventricle responsible for cognition and a posterior ventricle for memory., After a long period of stasis in the Middle Ages, Renaissance scholars realized the importance of making direct observations on dissected cadavers. Between 1504 and 1507, Leonardo da Vinci conducted experiments to reveal the anatomy of the ventricular system in the brain. He injected hot wax through a tube thrust into the ventricular cavities of an ox and then scraped the overlying brain off, thus obtaining, in a simple but ingenious way, an accurate cast of the ventricles., Leonardo shared the belief promoted by scholarly Christians that the ventricles were the abode of rational soul.We have several examples of hidden symbolism in Renaissance paintings, but the influence of phrenology and this rudimentary knowledge of neuroanatomy on artists of that period is under-recognized. In the absence of documentary or scientific evidence as to the real intentions of these painters, the notion of such commixture of sacred and profane remains speculative and probably controversial, but at the same time fascinating and provocative. Here we present three examples of Renaissance masterpieces where such symbolism may have been used, although probably many more exist. Conducting an artistic, philosophical and anatomical analysis of the paintings can be an intriguing exercise, but the interpretation will inevitably be conjectural.
机译:在文艺复兴时期,即人文与科学的“重生”时期,关于人体功能的新知识和猜测开始出现,取代了古老的宗教和哲学教条。对于文艺复兴时期的艺术家来说,大脑一定是一个令人着迷的谜,但是那时人们对它的各个部分的功能存在一些猜测。在这里,我们展示了对解剖学和生命科学的重新兴起的兴趣如何影响了拉斐尔,米开朗基罗和戴维等意大利和佛兰芒大师的雕塑作品。我们提供了关于艺术家及其生活时期,对人体解剖的迷恋及其在艺术中的象征性使用的历史观点.16世纪之前,大脑的知识受到教义的限制和教条式的影响我们现在知道的Galen 的研究对象不是动物,而是动物。 Emesa主教Nemesus在大约400年是最早的解剖学之一。将智力归因于大脑,尤其是心室。他确定了两个前脑(侧脑室),并为其分配了感知力,一个中脑室负责认知,后脑室负责记忆。 经过中世纪的长期停滞后,文艺复兴时期的学者意识到了对解剖的尸体进行直接观察的重要性。在1504年至1507年之间,达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)进行了实验,揭示了大脑心室系统的解剖结构。他通过推入的管子将热蜡注入牛的心腔中,然后刮去上方的大脑,从而以一种简单但巧妙的方式准确地铸造了心室。 莱昂纳多(Leonardo)分享了基督教徒提倡的观念,即心室是理性灵魂的住所。对那个时期的艺术家的神经解剖学的认识不足。在没有关于这些画家真实意图的文献或科学证据的情况下,这种神圣与亵渎的组合概念仍然是推测性的,并且可能是有争议的,但同时却令人着迷和挑衅。在这里,我们介绍了三个文艺复兴时期杰作的例子,尽管可能存在更多的象征意义,但这些例子可能已经被使用。对绘画进行艺术,哲学和解剖学分析可能会很有趣,但是解释不可避免地是推测性的。



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