首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine >Royal Naval dockyards asbestosis research project: nine-year follow-up study of men exposed to asbestos in Devonport Dockyard

Royal Naval dockyards asbestosis research project: nine-year follow-up study of men exposed to asbestos in Devonport Dockyard




Progression of asbestos-related disease was assessed in a group of 253 dockyard workers examined in 1966 and 1975. Despite the almost complete protection from exposure to asbestos since 1966, radiographic parenchymal abnormalities increased and occurred more frequently during the next 9 years in those men who had been more heavily exposed to asbestos. Lung function values were lower in those most heavily exposed and were declining at a faster rate than in those with less dust exposure. The most sensitive lung function index was the transfer factor.Those men with persistent crackles in 1966 exhibited a restrictive pattern of lung function, whereas an obstructive pattern was seen in men with wheezes in 1966. The men with irregular small opacities of category 1/1 or more or with diffuse pleural change in 1966 and who survived to 1975 had worse lung functions than any other groups.Progression of disease was greater for smokers than non-smokers, with those who gave up smoking between 1966 and 1975 suffering the greatest changes. This latter group showed most increase in small opacities and included almost all new cases of diffuse pleural changes. They also showed the greatest declines in forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity.
机译:在1966年和1975年对一组253名造船厂工人进行了评估,调查了石棉相关疾病的进展。尽管自1966年以来几乎完全避免了接触石棉,但放射线实质性异常增加并在接下来的9年中更加频繁地发生在那些曾经更多地接触石棉。与那些接触较少粉尘的人相比,接触最严重的肺功能值较低,并且下降速度更快。肺功能最敏感的指标是转移因子。1966年那些持续存在裂纹的男性表现出限制性的肺功能,而1966年有喘息的男性则表现出阻塞性。混浊的小混浊者为1/1 1966年或以上或有弥漫性胸膜变化的患者生存至1975年,其肺功能比其他任何群体都要差。吸烟者的疾病进展比不吸烟者大,1966年至1975年间戒烟的人遭受的变化最大。后一组显示小混浊增加最多,几乎包括弥漫性胸膜变化的所有新病例。他们还表现出最大的呼气量和强制肺活量下降。



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