首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Linacre Quarterly >Validity and liceity in conjugal acts: A reply to Stephen Napier on the HIV-condom debate

Validity and liceity in conjugal acts: A reply to Stephen Napier on the HIV-condom debate




Stephen Napier has argued against the soundness of what he calls the “Canon-Law argument” against the moral permissibility of a couple employing a condom for the sake of one spouse avoiding the contraction of HIV from the other spouse. Without an attempt to provide a full defense of the Canon-Law argument per se, this paper argues that Napier has not shown that argument to be inadequate. Napier's critique of that argument suffers from unsubstantiated counterexamples and from a failure to take into account analogous senses of "procreative end" in reference to the conjugal act. Using magisterial documents and canonical sources, this paper suggests that the distinction between validity and liceity can be usefully applied to conjugal acts.>Lay Summary: Stephen Napier has argued in favor of the claim that there is no plausible argument for thinking that married couples who use a condom in order to prevent HIV transmission are necessarily doing something morally wrong. In responding to Napier by showing that his arguments in favor of his claim are inconclusive, this article introduces a distinction, frequently used in sacramental theology, between validity and liceity (lawfulness) and applies this distinction to marital actions. I argue that some modifications to martial actions make them merely unlawful, whereas other modifications—such as using an intact condom—make them both unlawful and “invalid.”
机译:斯蒂芬·纳皮尔(Stephen Napier)反对他所谓的“佳能法律论点”的合理性,该论点反对一对夫妇为了避免一方配偶而从另一方感染艾滋病毒而使用避孕套的道德允许性。没有试图对Canon-Law论点本身提供充分的辩护,本文认为Napier并未表明该论点是不充分的。纳皮尔对这一论点的批评遭受了没有根据的反例,也没有考虑到关于夫妻行为的“累进性结局”的类似含义。本文使用裁判文书和规范资料,表明有效性和合法性之间的区别可以有效地应用于夫妻行为。>摘要: Stephen Napier主张没有合理的论点认为使用避孕套以防止艾滋病毒传播的已婚夫妇在道德上一定做错了事。在回应纳皮尔时,他证明了支持他主张的论点尚无定论,本文引入了一种在圣礼神学中经常使用的区分合法性和合法性(合法性)的方法,并将这种区分应用于婚姻行为。我争辩说,对军事行动的某些修改使其仅是非法的,而其他修改(例如使用完整的避孕套)则使其既非法又“无效”。



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