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A Prospective Evaluation of Duplex Ultrasound for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in High-Performance Musicians Playing Bowed String Instruments




Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a neurovascular condition involving the upper extremity, which is known to occur in individuals who perform chronic repetitive upper extremity activities. We prospectively evaluate the incidence of TOS in high-performance musicians who played bowed string musicians. Sixty-four high-performance string instrument musicians from orchestras and professional musical bands were included in the study. Fifty-two healthy volunteers formed an age-matched control group. Bilateral upper extremity duplex scanning for subclavian vessel compression was performed in all subjects. Provocative maneuvers including Elevated Arm Stress Test (EAST) and Upper Limb Tension Test (ULTT) were performed. Abnormal ultrasound finding is defined by greater than 50% subclavian vessel compression with arm abduction, diminished venous waveforms, or arterial photoplethysmography (PPG) tracing with arm abduction. Bowed string instruments performed by musicians in our study included violin (41%), viola (33%), and cello (27%). Positive EAST or ULTT test in the musician group and control group were 44%, and 3%, respectively (p = 0.03). Abnormal ultrasound scan with vascular compression was detected in 69% of musicians, in contrast to 15% of control subjects (p = 0.03). TOS is a common phenomenon among high-performance bowed string instrumentalists. Musicians who perform bowed string instruments should be aware of this condition and its associated musculoskeletal symptoms.
机译:胸廓出口综合征(TOS)是一种涉及上肢的神经血管疾病,已知发生在进行慢性重复性上肢活动的个体中。我们前瞻性地评估了演奏弓弦音乐家的高性能音乐家中TOS的发生率。这项研究包括了来自乐团和专业乐队的64位高性能弦乐器音乐家。 52名健康志愿者组成了年龄匹配的对照组。在所有受试者中进行双侧上肢双侧扫描以锁骨下血管压缩。进行了挑衅性动作,包括高臂压力测试(EAST)和上肢拉伸测试(ULTT)。超声异常的发现是通过手臂外展压迫锁骨下血管超过50%,静脉波形减弱或手臂外展的动脉光体积描记术(PPG)示踪。在我们的研究中,音乐家演奏的弓弦乐器包括小提琴(41%),中提琴(33%)和大提琴(27%)。音乐家组和对照组的EAST或ULTT阳性检测分别为44%和3%(p = 0.03)。在69%的音乐人中检测到具有血管压迫的异常超声扫描,而对照组的15%则发现该异常(p = 0.03)。 TOS是高性能弓弦乐器演奏家中的常见现象。演奏弓弦乐器的音乐家应注意这种情况及其相关的肌肉骨骼症状。



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