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Loss of Imprinting of IGF2 as an Epigenetic Marker for the Risk of Human Cancer




IGF2 is the first gene discovered to be imprinted and expressed exclusively from the paternal allele in both human and mouse. IGF2 is also the first imprinted gene displaying loss of imprinting (LOI) or aberrant imprinting in human cancers. Evidently, LOI or reactivation of the maternal allele of IGF2 is associated with an increase of IGF2 expression that may subsequently play an important role in the onset of human cancers. The most important discovery was the association of LOI of IGF2 with the risk of developing human colorectal cancer. LOI occurs not only in colon cancer tissues, but also in matched normal tissues and peripheral blood cells. A pilot study indicated a significant relationship between LOI of IGF2 and family history as well as personal history of colorectal cancer, suggesting that LOI of IGF2 might be a valuable biomolecular marker of predicting an individual's risk for colon cancer. A recent epigenetic progenitor model suggested that human cancers might have a common basis that involves an epigenetic disruption of progenitor cells mediated by “tumor progenitor genes” and proposed that non-neoplastic but epigenetically disrupted progenitor cells might be an important target for cancer risk assessment and prevention.
机译:IGF2是第一个被发现仅在人和小鼠中由父本等位基因印记和表达的基因。 IGF2也是第一个在人类癌症中表现出烙印缺失(LOI)或异常烙印的烙印基因。显然,LOI或IGF2母本等位基因的重新激活与IGF2表达的增加有关,IGF2表达可能随后在人类癌症的发作中起重要作用。最重要的发现是IGF2的LOI与发展人类大肠癌的风险相关。 LOI不仅在结肠癌组织中发生,而且在匹配的正常组织和外周血细胞中也发生。一项初步研究表明,IGF2的LOI与家族病史以及大肠癌的个人病史之间存在显着的关系,这表明IGF2的LOI可能是预测个人患结肠癌风险的有价值的生物分子标记。最近的表观遗传祖细胞模型表明,人类癌症可能具有涉及“肿瘤祖基因”介导的表观遗传细胞破坏的共同基础,并提出非肿瘤但表观遗传破坏的祖细胞可能是癌症风险评估和评估的重要目标。预防。



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