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Integration of light and metabolic signals for stem cell activation at the shoot apical meristem




A major feature of embryogenesis is the specification of stem cell systems, but in contrast to the situation in most animals, plant stem cells remain quiescent until the postembryonic phase of development. Here, we dissect how light and metabolic signals are integrated to overcome stem cell dormancy at the shoot apical meristem. We show on the one hand that light is able to activate expression of the stem cell inducer WUSCHEL independently of photosynthesis and that this likely involves inter-regional cytokinin signaling. Metabolic signals, on the other hand, are transduced to the meristem through activation of the TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR) kinase. Surprisingly, TOR is also required for light signal dependent stem cell activation. Thus, the TOR kinase acts as a central integrator of light and metabolic signals and a key regulator of stem cell activation at the shoot apex.>DOI:
机译:胚胎发生的一个主要特征是干细胞系统的特性,但是与大多数动物的情况相反,植物干细胞保持静止直到胚胎发育后阶段。在这里,我们剖析了如何整合光和代谢信号以克服茎尖分生组织上的干细胞休眠。我们一方面表明,光能够独立于光合作用激活干细胞诱导物WUSCHEL的表达,并且这可能涉及区域间细胞分裂素信号传导。另一方面,代谢信号通过激活雷帕霉素(TOR)激酶的靶标转导至分生组织。出乎意料的是,依赖于光信号的干细胞活化也需要TOR。因此,TOR激酶是光和代谢信号的主要整合者,也是茎尖处干细胞活化的关键调节剂。> DOI:



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