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The role of causal criteria in causal inferences: Bradford Hills aspects of association

机译:因果标准在因果推论中的作用:布拉德福德·希尔(Bradford Hill)的关联方面



As noted by Wesley Salmon and many others, causal concepts are ubiquitous in every branch of theoretical science, in the practical disciplines and in everyday life. In the theoretical and practical sciences especially, people often base claims about causal relations on applications of statistical methods to data. However, the source and type of data place important constraints on the choice of statistical methods as well as on the warrant attributed to the causal claims based on the use of such methods. For example, much of the data used by people interested in making causal claims come from non-experimental, observational studies in which random allocations to treatment and control groups are not present. Thus, one of the most important problems in the social and health sciences concerns making justified causal inferences using non-experimental, observational data. In this paper, I examine one method of justifying such inferences that is especially widespread in epidemiology and the health sciences generally – the use of causal criteria. I argue that while the use of causal criteria is not appropriate for either deductive or inductive inferences, they do have an important role to play in inferences to the best explanation. As such, causal criteria, exemplified by what Bradford Hill referred to as "aspects of [statistical] associations", have an indispensible part to play in the goal of making justified causal claims.
机译:正如韦斯利·萨尔蒙(Wesley Salmon)和许多其他学者所指出的,因果概念在理论科学的每个分支,实践学科和日常生活中无处不在。特别是在理论和实践科学中,人们通常基于统计方法对数据的应用来建立因果关系的主张。但是,数据的来源和类型对统计方法的选择以及基于使用这些方法的因果主张所赋予的保证书都具有重要的限制。例如,对因果关系声明感兴趣的人使用的许多数据来自非实验性观察性研究,其中不存在对治疗组和对照组的随机分配。因此,社会和健康科学领域最重要的问题之一是使用非实验性的观察性数据做出合理的因果推论。在本文中,我研究了一种在流行病学和健康科学中特别普遍的证明推理依据的方法-使用因果标准。我认为,尽管使用因果标准既不适用于演绎推理也不能用于归纳推理,但它们在对最佳解释的推理中确实起着重要作用。因此,因果标准,以布拉德福德·希尔(Bradford Hill)所谓的“ [统计]关联方面”为例,在提出正当因果主张的目标中起着不可或缺的作用。



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