首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Epidemiologic Perspectives Innovations : EP+I >Choosing an appropriate bacterial typing technique for epidemiologic studies

Choosing an appropriate bacterial typing technique for epidemiologic studies




A wide variety of bacterial typing systems are currently in use that vary greatly with respect to the effort required, cost, reliability and ability to discriminate between bacterial strains. No one technique is optimal for all forms of investigation. We discuss the desired level of discrimination and need for a biologic basis for grouping strains of apparently different types when using bacterial typing techniques for different epidemiologic applications: 1) confirming epidemiologic linkage in outbreak investigations, 2) generating hypotheses about epidemiologic relationships between bacterial strains in the absence of epidemiologic information, and 3) describing the distributions of bacterial types and identifying determinants of those distributions. Inferences made from molecular epidemiologic studies of bacteria depend upon both the typing technique selected and the study design used; thus, choice of typing technique is pivotal for increasing our understanding of the pathogenesis and transmission, and eventual disease prevention.
机译:当前正在使用各种各样的细菌分型系统,这些系统在所需的工作量,成本,可靠性和区分细菌菌株的能力方面有很大的不同。没有一种技术适合所有形式的调查。当讨论使用细菌分型技术用于不同流行病学应用时,将明显不同类型的菌株分组所需的辨别水平和生物学基础的需求:1)在暴发调查中确认流行病学联系; 2)产生关于细菌菌株之间流行病学关系的假设缺乏流行病学信息,以及3)描述细菌类型的分布并确定这些分布的决定因素。从细菌的分子流行病学研究得出的推论取决于所选择的打字技术和所用的研究设计;因此,选择打字技术对于增进我们对发病机理和传播以及最终预防疾病的理解至关重要。



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