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Effect of Modulating Activity of DLPFC and Gender on Search Behavior: A tDCS Experiment




Studies of search behavior have shown that individuals stop searching earlier and accept a lower point than predicted by the optimal, risk-neutral stopping rule. This behavior may be related to individual risk preferences. Studies have also found correlativity between risk preferences and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). As risk attitude plays a crucial role in search behavior, we studied whether modulating the activity of DLPFC, by using a transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) device, can change individual search behavior. We performed a sequential search task in which subjects decided when to accept a point randomly drawn from a uniform distribution. A total of 49 subjects (23 females, mean age = 21.84 ± 2.09 years, all right-handed) were recruited at Zhejiang University from May 2017 to September 2017. They repeated the task in 80 trials and received the stimulation at the end of the 40th trial. The results showed that after receiving right anodal/left cathodal stimulation, subjects increased their searching duration, which led to an increase in their accepted point from 778.17 to 826.12. That is, the subjects may have changed their risk attitude to search for a higher acceptable point and received a higher benefit. In addition, the effect of stimulation on search behavior was mainly driven by the female subjects rather than by the male subjects: the female subjects significantly increased their accepted point from 764.15 to 809.17 after right anodal/left cathodal stimulation, while the male subjects increased their accepted point from 794.18 to 845.49, but the change was not significant.
机译:对搜索行为的研究表明,与最佳风险中性停止规则所预测的相比,个人更早地停止搜索并接受更低的分数。此行为可能与个人风险偏好有关。研究还发现,风险偏好与背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)之间存在相关性。由于风险态度在搜索行为中起着至关重要的作用,因此我们研究了通过使用经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)设备调节DLPFC的活动是否可以改变个体搜索行为。我们执行了一个顺序搜索任务,其中受试者决定何时接受从均匀分布中随机抽取的点。 2017年5月至2017年9月在浙江大学招募了49位受试者(23位女性,平均年龄= 21.84±2.09岁,都是右撇子)。他们在80个试验中重复了该任务,并在实验结束时受到了刺激第40次审判。结果表明,在接受右阳极/左阴极刺激后,受试者的搜索持续时间增加,从而使他们的接受点从778.17增加到826.12。即,受试者可能已经改变了他们的风险态度以寻求更高的可接受点并获得了更高的利益。另外,刺激对搜索行为的影响主要是由女性受试者而不是男性受试者驱动的:女性受试者在右侧阳极/左侧阴极刺激后将接受点从764.15显着增加到809.17,而男性受试者则增加了接受点。接受点从794.18到845.49,但变化并不明显。



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