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Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis as a trigger of type-1 diabetes: destination Sardinia or beyond?




Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a multifactorial autoimmune disease in which the insulin producing β cell population is destroyed by the infiltrated T lymphocytes. Even though the exact cause of T1DM is yet to be ascertained, varying degree of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors have been linked to the disease progress and outcome. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is an obligate zoonotic pathogen that causes chronic infection of intestines in ruminants, the Johne's disease. MAP that can even survive pasteurization and chlorination has also been implicated to cause similar type of enteritis in humans called Crohn's disease. With the increasing recognition of the link between MAP and Crohn's disease, it has been postulated that MAP is an occult antigen which besides Crohn's could as well be thought to trigger T1DM. Epitope homologies between mycobacterial proteins (Hsp 65) and pancreatic glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD 65) and infant nutrition studies implicate MAP as one of the triggers for T1DM. PCR and ELISA analyses in diabetic patients from Sardinia suggest that MAP acts as a possible trigger for T1DM. Systematic mechanistic insights are needed to prove this link. Unfortunately, no easy animal model(s) or in-vitro systems are available to decipher the complex immunological network that is triggered in MAP infection leading to T1DM.
机译:1型糖尿病(T1DM)是一种多因素自身免疫性疾病,其中,所产生的β细胞群体被渗透的T淋巴细胞破坏。即使尚未确定T1DM的确切病因,但遗传易感性和环境因素的不同程度也与疾病的进展和结果有关。鸟分枝杆菌亚种副结核病(MAP)是专一的人畜共患病原体,可导致反刍动物肠道内的慢性感染,即约翰内氏病。甚至可以在巴氏杀菌和氯化作用下存活的MAP也被认为会引起人类类似的肠炎,称为克罗恩氏病。随着对MAP和克罗恩氏病之间联系的日益认识,人们推测MAP是一种隐性抗原,除了克罗恩氏病之外,也可以认为它触发了T1DM。分枝杆菌蛋白(Hsp 65)与胰腺谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD 65)之间的表位同源性以及婴儿营养研究表明MAP可能是T1DM的触发因素之一。撒丁岛糖尿病患者的PCR和ELISA分析表明,MAP可能是T1DM的触发因素。需要系统的机械洞察力来证明这一联系。不幸的是,没有简单的动物模型或体外系统可用来解释在导致T1DM的MAP感染中触发的复杂免疫网络。



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