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Colonization of Ireland: revisiting ‘the pygmy shrew syndrome using mitochondrial Y chromosomal and microsatellite markers




There is great uncertainty about how Ireland attained its current fauna and flora. Long-distance human-mediated colonization from southwestern Europe has been seen as a possible way that Ireland obtained many of its species; however, Britain has (surprisingly) been neglected as a source area for Ireland. The pygmy shrew has long been considered an illustrative model species, such that the uncertainty of the Irish colonization process has been dubbed ‘the pygmy shrew syndrome'. Here, we used new genetic data consisting of 218 cytochrome (cyt) b sequences, 153 control region sequences, 17 Y-intron sequences and 335 microsatellite multilocus genotypes to distinguish between four possible hypotheses for the colonization of the British Isles, formulated in the context of previously published data. Cyt b sequences from western Europe were basal to those found in Ireland, but also to those found in the periphery of Britain and several offshore islands. Although the central cyt b haplotype in Ireland was found in northern Spain, we argue that it most likely occurred in Britain also, from where the pygmy shrew colonized Ireland as a human introduction during the Holocene. Y-intron and microsatellite data are consistent with this hypothesis, and the biological traits and distributional data of pygmy shrews argue against long-distance colonization from Spain. The compact starburst of the Irish cyt b expansion and the low genetic diversity across all markers strongly suggests a recent colonization. This detailed molecular study of the pygmy shrew provides a new perspective on an old colonization question.
机译:爱尔兰如何获得其目前的动植物存在很大的不确定性。人们认为,从人类西南欧进行的远距离人类殖民是爱尔兰获得其许多物种的一种可能方式。但是,(令人惊讶地)英国被视为爱尔兰的发源地。侏儒sh一直以来都被认为是示例物种,因此爱尔兰殖民化过程的不确定性被称为“侏儒sh综合症”。在这里,我们使用了由218种细胞色素(cyt)b序列,153个控制区序列,17个Y内含子序列和335个微卫星多基因座基因型组成的新遗传数据,以区分上下文中提出的不列颠群岛殖民化的四种可能假说。以前发布的数据。来自西欧的Cyt b序列是在爱尔兰发现的基础,但在英国和一些近海岛屿的外围也有基础。尽管爱尔兰北部的中央cyt b单倍型在西班牙北部被发现,但我们认为它最有可能也发生在英国,侏儒Hol在全新世期间是从人类那里引进来的侏儒sh定殖的。 Y内含子和微卫星数据与此假说相符,侏儒sh的生物学特性和分布数据反对西班牙的长距离定居。爱尔兰cyt b扩张的紧凑星暴和所有标记物的低遗传多样性强烈暗示了最近的定殖。对侏儒sh的详细分子研究为旧的殖民问题提供了新的视角。



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