首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology >Presence of Chlamydia Mycoplasma Ureaplasma and Other Bacteriain the Upper and Lower Genital Tracts of Fertile and Infertile Populations

Presence of Chlamydia Mycoplasma Ureaplasma and Other Bacteriain the Upper and Lower Genital Tracts of Fertile and Infertile Populations




Objective: The genital mycoplasmas (Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum) and Chlamydia trachomatis have been implicated as possible etiologic factors in infertility. Their role in patients with infertility needs to be further defined.Methods: Seventy-nine infertile patients underwent laparoscopy with cultures obtained for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma from the peritoneal fluid, fallopian tube, endometrium, and endocervix. Cultures for similar organisms were taken from the endocervix of 80 fertile women in their first trimester. Culture results were also compared according to ovulatory status and laparoscopic findings in the infertile group.Results: There were no differences in the recovery of Ureaplasma (29% vs. 28%) or Chlamydia (4% vs. 0%) positive cervical cultures in the fertile and infertile groups, respectively. However, a significantly higher number of Mycoplasma positive cervical cultures (14% vs. 5%, P = 0.05) were found in the fertile group. Only two upper genital tract cultures were found to be positive (Ureaplasma).Conclusions: Therefore, if these organisms play a role in infertility, they are present and eradicated prior to infertility work-up and thus do not supports the use of a routine trial of antibiotics prior to laparoscopy.
机译:目的:生殖器支原体(人支原体和解脲脲原体)和沙眼衣原体被认为可能是不孕症的病因。方法:对79例不育患者进行腹腔镜检查,并从腹膜液,输卵管,子宫内膜和宫颈内膜中获得需氧和厌氧菌,衣原体,支原体和尿素体的培养物。 80名可育妇女在头三个月的子宫颈内膜中提取了相似的微生物。不育组还根据排卵状态和腹腔镜检查结果比较了培养结果。结果:在宫颈阳性培养物中,Ureaplasma(29%vs. 28%)或衣原体(4%vs. 0%)的回收率没有差异。生育和不育群体。但是,在可育组中发现支原体阳性子宫颈培养物的数量明显更高(14%vs. 5%,P = 0.05)。结论:仅发现两种上生殖道培养阳性(Ureaplasma)。因此,如果这些生物在不育症中起作用,则它们在不育检查之前就已经存在并被根除,因此不支持常规试验腹腔镜检查之前先检查抗生素。



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