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Need of surveillance response systems to combat Ebola outbreaks and other emerging infectious diseases in African countries




There is growing concern in Sub-Saharan Africa about the spread of the Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, and the public health burden that it ensues. Since 1976, there have been 885,343 suspected and laboratory confirmed cases of EVD and the disease has claimed 2,512 cases and 932 fatality in West Africa. There are certain requirements that must be met when responding to EVD outbreaks and this process could incur certain challenges. For the purposes of this paper, five have been identified: (i) the deficiency in the development and implementation of surveillance response systems against Ebola and others infectious disease outbreaks in Africa; (ii) the lack of education and knowledge resulting in an EVD outbreak triggering panic, anxiety, psychosocial trauma, isolation and dignity impounding, stigmatisation, community ostracism and resistance to associated socio-ecological and public health consequences; (iii) limited financial resources, human technical capacity and weak community and national health system operational plans for prevention and control responses, practices and management; (iv) inadequate leadership and coordination; and (v) the lack of development of new strategies, tools and approaches, such as improved diagnostics and novel therapies including vaccines which can assist in preventing, controlling and containing Ebola outbreaks as well as the spread of the disease. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop and implement an active early warning alert and surveillance response system for outbreak response and control of emerging infectious diseases. Understanding the unending risks of transmission dynamics and resurgence is essential in implementing rapid effective response interventions tailored to specific local settings and contexts.Therefore, the following actions are recommended: (i) national and regional inter-sectorial and trans-disciplinary surveillance response systems that include early warnings, as well as critical human resources development, must be quickly adopted by allied ministries and organisations in African countries in epidemic and pandemic responses; (ii) harnessing all stakeholders commitment and advocacy in sustained funding, collaboration, communication and networking including community participation to enhance a coordinated responses, as well as tracking and prompt case management to combat challenges; (iii) more research and development in new drug discovery and vaccines; and (iv) understanding the involvement of global health to promote the establishment of public health surveillance response systems with functions of early warning, as well as monitoring and evaluation in upholding research-action programmes and innovative interventions.
机译:撒哈拉以南非洲越来越关注以前称为埃博拉出血热的埃博拉病毒病(EVD)的传播以及随之而来的公共卫生负担。自1976年以来,已经有885,343例经EVD确诊和实验室确认的病例,该病在西非造成2,512例死亡,932例死亡。应对EVD爆发时必须满足某些要求,并且此过程可能会带来某些挑战。就本文件而言,已确定五个:(i)在非洲建立和实施针对埃博拉和其他传染病暴发的监测反应系统的不足; (ii)缺乏教育和知识导致埃博拉病毒病暴发,引发恐慌,焦虑,心理社会创伤,孤立和尊严的加深,污名化,社区排斥和对相关社会生态和公共卫生后果的抵制; (iii)财政资源,人力技术能力有限,以及社区和国家卫生系统在预防和控制对策,做法和管理方面的运作计划薄弱; (iv)领导和协调不足; (v)缺乏新的战略,工具和方法的开发,例如改进的诊断方法和新颖的疗法,包括可以帮助预防,控制和控制埃博拉疫情以及疾病传播的疫苗。因此,迫切需要开发和实施主动的预警警报和监视响应系统,以应对爆发和控制新发传染病。在实施针对当地具体情况和具体情况的快速有效应对措施时,了​​解传播动态和复活的无限风险至关重要。因此,建议采取以下行动:(i)国家和地区跨部门和跨学科的监视应对系统非洲国家的相关部委和组织必须在流行病和大流行病应对中迅速采用预警和至关重要的人力资源开发手段; (ii)利用所有利益相关者的承诺和倡导,提供持续的资金,协作,沟通和网络联系,包括社区参与,以增强协调一致的响应,以及跟踪和及时处理案件以应对挑战; (iii)在新药发现和疫苗方面进行更多的研究和开发; (iv)了解全球卫生的参与,以促进建立具有预警功能的公共卫生监测应对系统,并在坚持研究行动计划和创新干预措施方面进行监测和评估。



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