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Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome in Broilers Caused by Enterococcus faecalis




A field strain of Enterococcus faecalis was administered to broiler chicks at doses of 0, 3 × 106, 1.5 × 107, and 2 × 107 bacteria/bird either intra-abdominally or intravenously. In trials 1 to 3, birds were reared communally in a broiler house on pine shaving litter. In trial 4, challenged and control birds were maintained in separate isolation rooms in metal cages with raised wire floors. Challenged birds exhibited a characteristic cavity or depression in the external wall of the right ventricle. A subjective scoring system was devised to quantify challenge effects by assigning each heart a score of 1 to 4. The average number of birds, over all trials and over all dose levels, exhibiting the ventricular cavity was 93%. This value in controls was 5%. The average heart score for challenged birds was 3.1, and that for controls was 0.20. Heart scores of challenged and control chicks were not different in birds reared communally or in separate isolation rooms. Additionally, both routes of administration were equally effective. Results suggest that challenge with E. faecalis caused pulmonary hypertension.
机译:以0、3×10 6 ,1.5×10 7 和2×10 7 的剂量对粪鸡施用粪肠球菌。 sup>腹部或静脉内的细菌/禽类。在第1到第3项试验中,将鸡共同放在饲养松木屑的肉鸡舍中饲养。在试验4中,将受挑战和控制的禽类分别饲养在带有高架金属地板的金属笼中的隔离室内。受到挑战的鸟类在右心室的外壁表现出特征性的空腔或凹陷。设计了一个主观评分系统,通过给每个心脏分配1到4的分数来量化挑战效果。在所有试验和所有剂量水平下,表现出心腔的鸟类平均数量为93%。对照中的该值为5%。挑战鸟类的平均心脏得分为3.1,对照组为0.20。在公共饲养的鸟儿或在单独的隔离室中,受攻击和对照小鸡的心脏分数没有差异。另外,两种给药途径同样有效。结果表明,粪肠球菌的感染引起肺动脉高压。



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