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Estimating Density and Temperature Dependence of Juvenile Vital Rates Using a Hidden Markov Model




Organisms in the wild have cryptic life stages that are sensitive to changing environmental conditions and can be difficult to survey. In this study, I used mark-recapture methods to repeatedly survey Anaea aidea (Nymphalidae) caterpillars in nature, then modeled caterpillar demography as a hidden Markov process to assess if temporal variability in temperature and density influence the survival and growth of A. aidea over time. Individual encounter histories result from the joint likelihood of being alive and observed in a particular stage, and I have included hidden states by separating demography and observations into parallel and independent processes. I constructed a demographic matrix containing the probabilities of all possible fates for each stage, including hidden states, e.g., eggs and pupae. I observed both dead and live caterpillars with high probability. Peak caterpillar abundance attracted multiple predators, and survival of fifth instars declined as per capita predation rate increased through spring. A time lag between predator and prey abundance was likely the cause of improved fifth instar survival estimated at high density. Growth rates showed an increase with temperature, but the preferred model did not include temperature. This work illustrates how state-space models can include unobservable stages and hidden state processes to evaluate how environmental factors influence vital rates of cryptic life stages in the wild.
机译:野生生物的生命处于隐秘的阶段,对不断变化的环境条件敏感,因此很难进行调查。在这项研究中,我使用标记重获方法重复调查了自然界中的无翅无翅Ana(Anaea aidea)(Nymphalidae)毛虫,然后将其作为隐性马尔可夫过程进行了建模,以评估温度和密度的时间变化是否会影响无翅无翅蝶的生存和生长。时间。个体遭遇历史是由于在特定阶段活着并被观察到的共同可能性而引起的,我通过将人口统计学和观察结果分成并行和独立的过程来包含隐藏状态。我构建了一个人口统计矩阵,其中包含每个阶段所有可能发生的命运的概率,包括隐藏状态,例如鸡蛋和p。我观察到了毛毛虫的死和活的可能性。高峰期的毛毛虫吸引了许多捕食者,随着春季人均捕食率的提高,五龄幼虫的存活率下降。在高密度条件下,捕食者与猎物的丰富度之间存在时间差可能是导致五龄幼虫存活率提高的原因。增长率显示出随温度的增加,但是首选模型不包括温度。这项工作说明了状态空间模型如何包含不可观察的阶段和隐藏状态过程,以评估环境因素如何影响野外隐性生命阶段的生命率。



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